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Big time saver

I have found that it makes my life way easier if I have everything I need in a binder, ready to go. I have my lecture packets filled in and blank copies, that way I don't have to log into my computer every time I need something.

Stephanie, Binders are a great tool. Sounds like you have really taken full advantage of them. I love to have a unique binder for each class that I teach. It keeps my materials organized, yet separated. I can quickly grab the folder I need and go, knowing I have everything I need.

Dr. Melissa Read

I have a binder too! I also have a goal to make all copies of handouts for live classes before the class starts.

Yes binders for each course with tests, quizzes, hand outs and assignments keep a course organized and decrease the hasstle. I also keep my electronic resources organized. I have course CDs organized. We have some online testing and tracking system also

Javaid, Wow, sounds like you have an organized system. I like that you mention CDs. They are kind of like a modern day binder. It's great to go digital when you can. Makes everything so easy to organize and easy to find.

Dr. Melissa Read

Having materials organized in sperate binders or folders works swell. In addition, using color coding helps to identify the needed materials much easier.

I too find it much more easier to prepare for my clinical ahead of time and ne ready for orientation

When I was teaching, I had a roll cart that was always taken into the classroom with me. I had all my binders labeled...lecture notes, tranparencies, copies, etc. I found it better to go over the material myself and be perpared before class started.

I like that method. I'm going to put together a binder.

Patrick, Excellent! Yes, binders are a wonderful tool. While it seems like everything has gone digital lately, it's really nice to have hard copies around - especially of materials you reference frequently.

Dr. Melissa Read

I also do that. In addition, I keep all powerpoints for a particular subject, on a handy flashdrive so I don't have to log on or worry about passwords or internet availability

We are required to have binders for all our courses and it is a lifesaver! The binders have lesson plans, lectures, assignments, tests, answer keys, etc. I also make all my copies for each unit in advance. This is helpful as I'm not running around at the last minute trying to make copies. Also, if I finish a lesson early, the next assignment is always ready to go.

Sari, Sounds like an excellent requirement. Thanks for sharing. Yes, some administrations make great decisions about the educational tools they provide their instructors. Binders are a great example of that.

Dr. Melissa Read

While I keep hard copies of certain things on hand, I think that having documents saved to a flash-drive is an excellent way of organizing things. However, flash-drives can become corrupted, so it is a good idea to have the documents backed up to an external harddrive.

EXCELLENT SUGGESTION Especially helpful if, on the spur of the moment, you have to fill for another instructor, the copies did not arrive form the copy center, or the machine is down. Also, sheet protectors have become my friend

Hi Stephanie
I teach 6 courses and do the same thing. I have 6-3 inch binders with separate tabs. There is a section for lecture handouts, homework/ assignments, quizzes, and exams. Although the binder is large, it is the only thing I carry along with my textbook when I go to class everyday.

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