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using lists

I actually decided to do this course because I am feeling the effects of being overwhelmed. I really like the use of lists, but I stopped doing them. I realize that I really need to put maintaining my list as one of scheduled priorities.

List helps to keep us focused and to make the best use of our time.

I use list to help me stay focused through out the day & to prevent from feeling overwhelmed. I do not see myself stopping the use of list.If I did not use list for my schedule I would feel overwhelmed.I have enjoyed the course so far

K Harris

for years ive been winging it because the tasks are alway the same but i can now see that i will be done sooner and keep myself further from dropping the ball with the list

Anthony, It sounds like you have had to evolve as your queue got a little fuller and as tasks got a little more demanding. That's normal. Yes, winging it only works when our queues are relatively slow. It can be good but it's not really scalable as an approach.

Dr. Melissa Read

WOW. I feel like "You caught me!!" with the knowing I do the easy or quick tasks first! Good to know.I am guilty of that and should rethink my process for getting tasks done.

I take some time over every weekend to write my todo list for the upcoming week of class time. It aids in reducing feeling overwhelmed by teaching multiple classes. By jotting down timeframes keeps it organized and able to meet deadlines.

I take some time over every weekend to write my todo list for the upcoming week of class time. It aids in reducing feeling overwhelmed by teaching multiple classes. By jotting down timeframes keeps it organized and able to meet deadlines.

Joan, That sounds like a wonderful and proactive approach. While it cuts into your weekend time, I imagine you are able to enjoy yourself much more when your plan for the next week is organized and in place.

Dr. Melissa Read

Maybe try keeping your list with you. That way if something comes up throughout your day you can jot it down. For myself, if I try to remember everything that has to be done, I would be lost. Keeping my list handy helps me stay organized and on task. If you feel overwhelmed by your list, start small.

Kristi, It is comforting to keep your list nearby so you can both reference it and update it as needed. Some people choose to document their lists on their mobile devices for that reason, as they tend to have these devices always with them.

Dr. Melissa Read

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