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I think insecurity is often related to perfectionism. I recently had a problem keeping up with my workload when I started a graduate degree at the same time I was starting a new job. My desire to do both perfectly was getting in the way of me meeting deadlines. Finally I decided that the only way of being successful at both activities would be to identify what HAD TO GET DONE and not be concerned with how I wanted to do it. A friend who is a very accomplished academic recently said to me that what I did was figure out that “the best paper is a done paper”.

Daniel, Interesting observation. Yes, I imagine there is a relationship between insecurity and perfectionism. The question is which drives which.

Dr. Melissa Read

I think insecurity sometimes comes from just feeling completely overwhelmed.We must allow enough time in our busy schedules to get our
tasks completed in a timely manner. This is not always so easy to accomplish.

I agree, sometimes theres not enough time in the day.

I think that insecurity is mostly personality characteristics. Everyone can work on making some changes so insecurity will be overcome eventually.

Nedialka, Yes, insecurity can be overcome but it's tough. Sometimes it is a personality characteristic - to your point. Other times it's experience-based. Learning more about how the insecurity started can be the best way to identify solutions.

Dr. Melissa Read

I was experiencing the same situation not too long ago with starting a new career and my grad school program. I just had to learn how prioritize from the most importance to least important task that had to be completed. I just stopped worrying about how I am going to complete all of my assignments and I just went for it. So far just doing my assignments and trying not to worry about how is it all going to get completed has decreased my stress level.

I was experiencing the same situation not too long ago with starting a new career and my grad school program. I just had to learn how prioritize from the most importance to least important task that had to be completed. I just stopped worrying about how I am going to complete all of my assignments and I just went for it. So far just doing my assignments and trying not to worry about how is it all going to get completed has decreased my stress level.

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