Daniel Ramos

Daniel Ramos

About me


Sometimes we are given a bad crop of students by our colleges admissions team. A good way to avoid is I have found is frequent communication with the admissions team so they understand the rigors and expectations of the curriculum and convey this to their prospects.
What do you guys do when you receive pre-packaged power points presentations. I generally just get familiar with them and skip to the parts I can use, telling the students to use the rest as a resource. What do you guys do?
I think the key to adult learner motivation is too make everything relevant to their field of work or the field of work they aspire too. If they see the usefulness of something you are teaching then the rest of the job is just helping them deal with their life situations so they can stay on track.

My name is Daniel and I am a Buddy! Not an apathetic buddy at least, I'm actually really concerned with how my "buddyness" can be a disservice to my students by not allowing me to teach them valuable non academic skills such ass being responsible when it comes to deadlines. Where do you guys draw this line? Of course you must always follow and enforce the rules but that is easier said than done isn't it? How about when the late homework policy has to be fudged a bit due to a totally justifiable cause for the lateness combined with… >>>

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I think insecurity is often related to perfectionism. I recently had a problem keeping up with my workload when I started a graduate degree at the same time I was starting a new job. My desire to do both perfectly was getting in the way of me meeting deadlines. Finally I decided that the only way of being successful at both activities would be to identify what HAD TO GET DONE and not be concerned with how I wanted to do it. A friend who is a very accomplished academic recently said to me that what I did was figure… >>>

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