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"The problem with immediacy is that it is often self defeating", very well said, by doing everything at once leads one to commit mistakes and it slows down progress of an instructor. Prioritizing, list importance of work and doing it in order is the good way. A good point.

Zafar, So true. We are often more prone to mistakes when we try to get it all done at once. Then, the rework it takes to correct our errors can really slow us down. I do recommend prioritizing for the most efficient method of completing tasks. Sometimes multitasking doesn't work and what we really need is focus.

Dr. Melissa Read

The world is a very "multitasking" place these days. How do we learn to cope with those expectations?

I have a problem with immediacy, tending to try grading all my tests at once so that my workload is reduced the next day. The result is my becoming tired and feeking frustrated. I've now learned to prioritize my tasks.

Tina, So true. Now more than ever, we're expected to do many things at once. But some of us are more effective at multitasking than others. For those who are not effective, we end up making mistakes and doing rework. My best recommendation is to slow down and complete tasks one by one accurately, despite expectations.

Dr. Melissa Read

Gilbert, It sounds like prioritization can really help you. I know it's hard when you have a lot on your plate. Sometimes it feels easier to just take care of everything so we can relax. But immediacy can absolutely cause burn out and we need to keep ourselves up for the future.

Dr. Melissa Read

Some multi-tasking seems to work for me. I suppose that depending on the number of stressors in your life, you cope better with immediacy.

I agree, Melissa. I often hear from my partner that I need to accomplish as much as possible each day, but not to go over that too much. I have this sense of "immediacy" and have greatly benefitted from prioritizing my to-do list, as opposed to just going from top to bottom to complete everything. Well said.

Sarah Pickens, online faculty

I have this problem too - more so with planning than with grading. I don't feel comfortable unless the entire course is planned out, and lesson plans are completed for at least two weeks. This has become self-defeating.

Jenna, Wow, on one hand, you are probably often ahead of schedule. On the other, you are probably stressed out the entire time. I recommend resetting your expectations of yourself and perhaps also the expectations others have of you.

Dr. Melissa Read

Unfortunately on certain occasions, the need to multitask is required and or expected in our field. My best method to counter the frustration that it brings me is to attempt to find fun in the situation. I always project a happy countenance which typically makes people more apt to be flexible and forgiving when a overwhelming multitasking situation comes up.

Brian, Love your approach and attitude. This method works well in work and in life. There are a lot of undesirable tasks that we have to accomplish. Finding a way to smile about them, and even enjoy them, can be a game changer.

Dr. Melissa Read

I work with someone who's has an issue with Immediacy. Working to accomplish daily tasks NOW. This results in this Instructor working 10-12 hours a day, and not seeming to shorten his 'To-Do' list the following day, repeating himself. He becomes exhausted and overwhelmed. Thus not accomplishing much.

Frank, That sounds difficult to watch. Some instructors are simply too on top of things. This does lead to challenges in accomplishing what they hope to accomplish.

Dr. Melissa Read

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