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I have the obstacle of immeadiacy. I can keep this under control by prioritising my tasks. The only thing that will interfere with my plan is a procrastinator. This obstacle drives me nuts because these people hardly ever get anything done, increasing my list of things to do, and destroying my carefully constructed plan.

Yes, procrastinators can be so frustrating to work with James. Learning more about the various working styles of the people in your office can help you plan better, but not eliminate the problem.

i have found that knowing the working style of the people iwork with greatly reduces stress because my expectations of them become more realistic. i can make plans besed on a more acurate time scale and thus find productivity increases and stress decreases.

Hi James, I have given up attempting to rely on individuals when I am on a tight timeframe. Murphy's Law will always occur. Therefore, I handle the procrastinators by giving false due dates that will still allow ample time to complete the task. What are your thoughts on this?
Kind Regards,

I to suffer from immeadiacy and procrastination is the most stressful think I face in a day

I suffer from procrastination myself. I am always leaving things until the last second, and then as a result, I become very anxious at the time of a deadline. I think a healthy balance of procrastination and immediacy is important.

I think at times those people that struggle with immeadiacy do not give the procrastinators enough time. If there is a deadline, let them have that time. I do tend to procrastinate, but my work is always done on time. It might be the last minute, but it is done, and done with quality.

This is an important point Dawn. When working in a team, we must learn to understand and respect each persons' time management style. Where there are differences, we have to carefully set expectations.

I find that by completing what I need to get finished early allows for some procrastination by others. The task can still be completed on time. Reminding everyone what is at stake and when can be somewhat effective.

I never procrastinate. Sometimes I think it's a major personality flaw. I just hate when things are hanging over my head. It's all I seem to think about. I even pay bills on the day they arrive in the mail as to not ever have to worry about late fees.

I did not realize other people went through these things like me. It is hard to see that in others. I took this class to help myself understand and we all will get through this or understand better.

In my findings, I lack the ability to say no and overload. Then dementia sets in and I am behind the 8 ball.

The inability to say no is a challenge that many instructors face. The problem with this method is that we often let people down this way. We say yes but then don't have time to deliver in the end. We serve others better when we are more direct and clearly set expectations.

In my line of work we have Lab Tasks that are ultimatley due at the end of the term. A procrastinator will of course try to put off these tasks till the end and then try to complete them all in an impossible time frame ultimatley causing he or she to be unsucessful in the course. The best way to eliminated this is to give them mini goals of certain tasks being completed by a certian date. This criples their ability to put things off and forces them to deal with it now and increases their chances of completeing the course sucessfully.

Yes, I love the mini goals approach Chad. It's really nice to create milestones for students to drive toward and this also helps tremendously with grading.

In a working situation the delegating of tasks should be appropriate for all woking styles. A good leader should be aware of this. Lastly, I believe if one procrastinates, the work is less quality.

I tell my students that im not going to hold there hand and tell them what to do. Its nice to see most of them are grabbing the bull by the horns and getting the jobs done as soon as they can. Some of them on the other hand i tell them to slow down and take there time so they arent sitting around after wards..

I like your approach Jason and it sounds like it's paying off for your students. As instructors, the responsible thing to do is really to teach our students how to fish. While it's tempting to hold their hands, we are not helping them long term when we do so.

Very refreshing,
It's good to hear that their are other
people who take the time they need to think
things through before they act on something.
(i really hope thats not considered procrastination)

I'm definitely in the 15-20% that is a chronic procrastinator. Now that I have completed this module it will help and relieve some stress

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