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Motivating the Fear Testing Student

Confronted by tests, many students get nervous and forget concepts because their anxiety over test performance is so great. Motivating students involves giving them the preparation skills they need to succeed. Success is not the same for every student so you have to find what motivates each student to their level of success. I can vary between Intristic factors as well as Extrinsic factors. This involves you as the instructor being very engaged with your students. Being engaged allows you to see what helps the student and it gives the students a great sense of security.

LaTanya, well stated. In short, each student is different and one size rarely fits all. By focusing your efforts on the different needs of different students you are providing a great service to all of your students. Keep up the great work.

James Jackson

Many students have a fear of testing. I tell them thoughout the course that all answers to tests are in their material, and we have discussed them all. I also tell them to approach the test as one question at a time. Not to dwell on how many, but just the one they are reading at that time.

Spot on response. I agree with the engagement statement within you text. Figuring out what motivates students which in turn drives them to their specific reward is sometimes a tough thing to find. Thorough discussions, reviews and varying teaching styles has helped me. Giving the students this also promotes a sense of security for them as well as for me.

Craig, how do you go about preparing students for your tests? For some students it is not enough to know the answers are in the course materials, they need assistance in how to respond to different types of questions. Some students may not even have some of the basic literacy skills which we as college level instructors expect. The more you get to know your students the better you can understand their needs with respect to how best to achieve the learning outcomes of your course objectives.

James Jackson

I agree with you Craig with many types of learners for example you have the visual, the hands on, and the auditory learners there are different aspects to reach before administering a test. all points must be reached before hand.

I have seen the "A" student literally fall apart when they are tested on a subject. I try to offer encouragement and make sure that the outside noise is kept to a minimum. I also encourage the student to wear earplugs and make sure that the test is fully reviewed after they have taken it.

Martha, do you take any actions to train students how to be better test takers?

James Jackson

Besides all the test prepping, Q&A session, practice quizzes etc. I assure my student that I will preview the test. Identify questions that are worded poorly or written in a way that is difficult for bilingual students or anyone else to understand, and be prepard to answer questions in way to help them understand the question is asking.I find that some test that are written in a way that is suppose to create critical thinking may create more confusion (and fear) instead. With a preprepared curriculum one cannot assume that all test are flawless or without errors.

Tony, outstanding observation and awareness. Never assume your lesson plan is flawless and this is why a critical review of your materials is essential before you ever see your students. Always ensure you meet the objectives of your lessons but it is rare that any institution would prevent you as the instructor to provide "Value Added" materials that you feel are critical to the total learning experience of your students. What actions do you take as you prepare and deliver your daily and weekly lesson plans? Thanks for any information you can share.

James Jackson

I catch myself often telling my students often that I will be simply be teaching them the test. Most of all for security reasons, but I also inform them that they will need to take notes. My favorite 3 words are highlight ,underline or circle. I let them know that we will cover the study guide thoroughly so that we ensure we have the correct answers and correct context on the study guide. We all come from different backgrounds, so we can look at something different and still come up with the same answer

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