LaTanya Singleton

LaTanya Singleton

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@elizabeth617 - I don't take them away but I do emphasize on day 1 that they aren't allowed to use them during class time unless we are working on research which I asked them to use their phones.  I also state it in the syllabus.  It's all abput setting the tone on day 1.

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How can we combine the flip classroom and technology to better the student's knowledge?
How eager will the students grasp the new concept?
Do you think teachers or students are more receptive to the flip classroom style?
I've found that motivation is a two way street. We are taught we must find what motivates our students, while in turn my students actually motivate me. When they get excited because they have had that "A-HA!" moment and when we start to dialect back and forth on certain topics, it shows me that they get it and that is what motivates me!
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This section really helped me...because there are times when I start to wear out and get frustrated when I feel my teaching methods are being reached to the student. It usually happens towards the end of the term. But now I know I need to step back and refocus to get re-energized!
I've noticed that by us instructors setting the stage and starting the process, it automatically offers the students a sense of security as well as comfort. If we show we are concerned about them and their well being (ex. calling them when they miss class) they will be more active with their education.
I've noticed that it's very important to ensure you are reaching all ages in your classrooms. Because of the fact that we are teaching in non-traditional classrooms...I find myself having to make sure I find that balance and sometimes I get going and forget until I look out and assess my class and see my younger students ok while my more seasoned students looking confused. Does anyone else come across this issue?
Confronted by tests, many students get nervous and forget concepts because their anxiety over test performance is so great. Motivating students involves giving them the preparation skills they need to succeed. Success is not the same for every student so you have to find what motivates each student to their level of success. I can vary between Intristic factors as well as Extrinsic factors. This involves you as the instructor being very engaged with your students. Being engaged allows you to see what helps the student and it gives the students a great sense of security.

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