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Adult learners, among other things, have a higher level of experiance that younger learners. In the classroom. this equates to a studnet that is able to imagnine and relate to the topic presented more easly. 


I learned the self-evaluation is essential in adult learning.

It is important to listen to your students. 

I will allow students to incorporate the best method that facilitates an active learning style to ensure that they are truly learning. I realize that some students will learn differently than others, and need to accommodate for that. Knowing this will allow for the adult learning to be successful through utilizing the tools that I would provide to them in addition to their educational process.

I really like what Knowles states when he says that adult learners are motivated by internal rather than external factors because they know what they really want and what they really need. External factors are important but do not define the person's interests.

Knowles ideology resonates the most with me. 

Malcome Knowles is the father of adult learning, he established the pillars of adult learning.

basically adult learners develope more intrinsically; need justification for an answer, and want to be able to apply learned skills quickly.

Carl Rodger is an advocate for student learning where students direct the learning process itself.

Teaching adult learners involves hands on activities and reflection of the progress made.  Incorporating physical actions along with theory helps the student learn.  Involving the student in the coursework also supports the experience and outcome. 

Try and understand experiences of students and how we can better relate the material to previous experiences.

I have learned that the foundations of adult learning can be traced back to 1968 when Knowles coined the term 'andragogy', which refers to a field of science that emphasizes helping adults and adult learning theories. Teachers can benefit from understanding Knowles' theory about adult learners and the five basic assumptions that can be made about adult learners: they bring with them many life experiences; their learning needs changes as their social roles change; they want to use their new-found knowledge immediately; they have internal motivators; and they want to be informed as to why material is being taught. Rogers was similar to Knowles because he believes adult learners need to learn in non-threatening environments. Rogers is known for his theories about having students learn by doing, which can include service learning and internships. Teachers of adult students should use this knowledge of these two educational pioneers to create meaningful lessons and assignments.

I will keep all these concepts in mind while teaching. Adult students need a little more time and the "why?" Of what we are doing.

This section offered Knowles Andragogy where students have a say in their learning. This perspective is taken one step further with Carl Rodgers in Experiencial Learning. Both of these pioneers support the need for strong participatory engagement in the classroom.

I learned that adult learning is internally motivated.

Adult learners like to have a say in what/how they learn. 

According to Knowles, the adult learners hace very particular motivations ans expectations in their studies, so we need to take that in cosideration when teaching adults.

On the other hand, Rogers create focus hin analysis in the student and how he manage it's own learning. Being a great tool also to be consider in our classes

Adult learners are motivated by internal not external factors, typically leaning is to be applied immediately.

Comment on Richard Hamill's post: In dealing adult learner working on technical knowledge and skills development new material must be relatable to past experiences and backed with the Brain On- Hands On learning process.

Teaching adults you have to mindful that they are expecting to get results from the class for their future.

That teaching adult is completely different than teaching children

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