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Teaching to Multiple Intelligences

How will your understanding of multiple intelligences affect your teaching methodology? In what ways could you use your knowledge of how individuals process information when planning for your instructional delivery?

Multiple intelligences are very important and it seems to still be a new concept. i think we need to also concur with the importance of cultural concepts when it comes to evaluating multiple intelligences. Language is a strong component of one's culture and body kinesthetics.

Hi Patricia,
Having researched the use of MI for over 25 years I have found that in most settings we don't look at the total picture of how a person intakes, processes and then applies information. As instructors we have to be very aware of cultural concepts, environmental influences and personal experiences as we develop delivery methods for our students. You expressed this very well.

It is basically understood that not everyone learns the same way. It is impossible for my students to learn as I do. I can explain my methods of learning to them but it may fall on deaf ears, because each student will learn their way. I'm sure all teachers/instructors know that some students are visual or auditory, or sometimes even both, and have to make amends to their teaching methodologies and do their best to reach all the students as best as possible.

In just understanding the fact that there are multiple intelligences an instructor can more effectively prepare content and methodologies. Unfortunately, actually taking the time to determine 15 to 40 students three dominant intelligences in a career school environment would likely be challenging. However the use of the four categories of learning preferences can be achieved by working to make sure that all four are used within each lesson. An instructor could develop the lesson by:

Requesting that the class read the supporting material in the book as homework for the previous day or at the beginning of class depending on length. Learners that benefit from seeing the written word will benefit, others will in various degrees.

Start or resume the class with a brief discussion concerning why the lesson is important. (What¡¦s the WIFM) Continue with the lesson, verbally facilitate as well as use the whiteboard, power point presentation or overhead and/or use training items and animate, list, use mind mapping or whatever visual components as necessary to complete the lesson. Question individuals about the content as it is being covered as well as the uses of the content. This will help satisfy the visual and auditory learner.

After that portion have a practical session or lab and have the students demonstrate the concept, use the equipment, remove the component, locate the component, or in some way add a tactile level to the lesson. This will help satisfy the kinesthetic learner.

There are many more samples to help each learning style achieve the required understanding of each lesson. In my opinion, the key is to try to include all the styles within every lesson development, when done effectively most of the intelligences can be addressed.

Hi Steve,
Great grasp of how learning can be handled in a number of different ways. The multiple intelligences helps us educators understand how they process information the learning preferences then can be used as avenues for effective learning.

I have found this to be true, so i do my best to incorporate each learning technique in my classes. I have found this to be a great teaching strategy.

Hi Yolanda,
Not only is it a great teaching strategy but it helps to keep you interested as well. Meaning that you will be looking for new and different ways of presenting the course content to meet the different learning needs and this helps to keep you focused and excited about teaching.

For the instructor, multiple intelligences mean that students process new information in different ways. As such, we instructors must be attune to students' needs and present information with consideration of how students learn best. Many of my students excel in interpersonal intelligence; therefore, I allow them to complete group projects and discuss new information with each other. I find that when I teach to their strengths, they retain more information and develop a better appreciation of learning in general. For this reason, teachers must always consider multiple intelligences in the classroom.

I understand that not everyone learns on the same level.The method of your teaching as an instructor will reflect on the way your students will learn and understand what you are teaching them.Understanding mutiple intelligences will you become a better teacher.You could group students together that learn on the same level and also have a mentor for them.

Since students process information differently, delivering education content has to change. We can no longer simply rely on the "old" lecture format to teach our classes. Incorporating several different types of teaching avenues--visual, auditory, kinestic--will reach more students.

Hi Ashley,
Well said concerning multiple intelligences. Having researched how to assess multiple intelligences for over 25 years I have a deep appreciation of understanding what intelligences are and how they impact the learning of adults. Keep up the good work.

Hi Bridgett,
Good instructional plan for using the multiple intelligences of your students. Not only will they learn more they will learn easier because they are working in an intelligence area that enables them to acquire the content more completely. An old saying that works here is "its not how smart you are but how you are smart". Meaning that we process information in different ways so we need different ways of learning new content and skills.

Hi Linda,
Exactly! It will also help the students to achieve more success and their retention will be higher. The will have more content to work from as they complete their training.

This way I will divied my teaching style so that I cover ever body

Where to begin? I guess with keener observation of the students individually in the learning environment in an effort to determine how they like to have material presented to them. I like too the idea of conducting a survey early in the class to see what the overall demographic of the class looks like and allow that to inform the means of instructional delivery. Also being fully aware of the various reasouces at my disposal so that I can come at a specific subject from a variety of angles.

Hi David,
You are right on target with your instructional planning. As you know teaching is like any other field in that you have to know who you are working with and how they respond to your leadership. By knowing learning preferences you can more accurately plan for targeted instruction.

It is always helpful in knowing that all students do not learn the same way; reading the various types of multiple intelligences, will help me as an instructor mix up my teaching methods in hopes of touching on all students abilities. It will also help should I have to do one on one counseling with a troubled student to access their particular learning ability.

Hi Kenny,
The integration of a variety of learning preferences helps to meet the individual learning needs of students. By offering these different methods you are showing your students you care about their success in your course. Keep up the good work.

My awareness of multiple intelligences now requires that I understand the varied ways in which each student might receive my efforts to communicate subject matter. It also allows me to view each student in a more positive light - knowing that they might well have understood my presentation of a totally different level than I might otherwise have anticipated. It also demands that I reexamine the methods I use to communicate subject matter with.

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