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Teaching to Multiple Intelligences

How will your understanding of multiple intelligences affect your teaching methodology? In what ways could you use your knowledge of how individuals process information when planning for your instructional delivery?

Great to hear how the content has been of value to you. I wish you continued success as you impact the lives of those students in your college.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The information about the multiple intelligence has open and simplified my view of how a lecture can be better plan to be able to pass the knowledge. I am not currently teaching but I work with educators, and as an adult student it has help me understand better the difficulties I have been facing. Based on the lecture I have already been able to apply the techniques to my own learning and it has work wonders. It has minimized the amount of time needed to absorb the new material, it has simplified the application process, and it has help me identified my own learning preferences.

This gives you a baseline on your students as well as an idea of the different learning preferences that are represented among the student body. This is very helpful as you plan your instructional delivery.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I like the idea I saw in some other posts of having the students take an online assessment the first day of class. This is information that will benefit both the instructor and the student. Understanding that there are many ways to process information will encourage me to use variety of approaches in the classroom, making lecture more interesting for everyone.

Sounds like you have a good understanding of how to engage your students and appeal to their different learning preferences even while teaching is a pressure based situation.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I currently utilize various strategies in my courses to address the needs of various types of learners. In an accelerated program, there is little if any time to modify courses once they begin.

Having been a researcher in the area of multiple intelligence application for the past 25 years I can tell you that having this information really makes a difference in teaching effectiveness. You are on the right track with your efforts in this area.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We are in the process of developing a new curriculum plan and are selecting learning theories to support our teaching strategies. The multiple intelligences theory can help to recognize how we can better structure the learning activities so that all students can strengthen their personal preference while improving a weaker preference.

Good strategies in reaching your students. You are giving them opportunities to apply what they are being taught in realistic settings. This is so important in their career development. This way they are going to be better prepared as they step out into the real world.

Dr. Gary Meers

In some of the areas of my teaching I try to guide my students into using certain types of multiple intelligence skills. In culinary we work with our hands and the process of seen and doing the task helps out a lot. I use the skill sets: Logical, Kinesthetic, and Interpersonal. Usually you look for these skill in the person to stand out, but when I can influence their thought process in how the product comes together is a benefit. I angle their or focus their attention in needed ways so they put the proper amount of thought into what is needed. Students at times will either over or under think things to the point where it is all confusing.

I was unaware that there was such a thing as “multiple intelligences”. This knowledge will help me reach the hard to reach student. I am very much a “verbal/linguistic”. After reading the information on the different intelligences I feel that I have been teaching to those who are also “verbal/linguistic”. I need to incorporate the other intelligences to include all the students.

By preparing and delivering my lectures with the multiple intelligences in mind, I will be effectively delivering my material. I like to use visuals and tactile/kinetic activities. But, I have to make sure than my audio learners don't get lost. I often ask them to put the concept into their own words so that they can hear themselves speak the answer.

Great to hear. I wish you continued teaching success.

Dr. Gary Meers

This is a comprehensive way to delivery content while engaging students. The more you can do this the more success both the students and you are going to have.

Dr. Gary Meers

My understanding of multiple intelligences will affect my teaching methodology greatly. After taking this section of the course I will be able to use what I have learned and become and even more affective teacher/instructor.

In the classes that I teach, I lecture, use videos, handouts, and homework on a regular daily basis. When we do practical work with the equipment that the students will use in the field I use written procedures and visual demonstrations. I find that some students learn better with visual presentations and some with lecture, videos, etc. I also discuss the learning process with my fellow instructors that have had this class before to find out how the class responds to certain types of teaching. Also, by just talking to the individuals in the class you learn alot about each student.

Everyone has a talent...some have street smarts, some know how people interrelate, some have talents and intelligences I am unfamiliar with. Because of this, it is essential to try to relate to th multiple intelligences you might have in your class.

Good way to provide different learning opportunities, change of pace and learning preference venues. All of these contribute to the student being engaged and focused on the content.

As mentioned here by other instructors,I alsdo use different techniques which assist me in teaching to multiple intelligences.As a DA Instructor I use different teaching techniques in the Dental Lab for example,by watching a video of a particular dental procedure or DA skill ,then going over the info presented in the video along with reading the procedure sheet.Then I demonstrate the particular dental skill,have the students practice it,and give them constant feed back on their progress in achieving the new skill.

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