Gilbert Ybarra

Gilbert Ybarra

About me


Use your enthusiasm for the field to guide you along. Teachers are teachers because they love what they do. We will never become rich unless we win the lottery. You are starting off right in loving what you do. This will guide you and give you the insights necessary to teach your subject. If need be, do more research on your subject when necessary to inform your students with as much as possible. Congratulations on your hire and good luck with this endeavor.

At the beginning of my teaching career there were many limitations on what I could do on my own with regards to delivering the material. With trial and error, even teachers learn through this concept, I did begin to figure out what I had to do to get the ideas to the students. As the years went by one does improve on their limitations for more than one improves on their good points. Good points are good to have but are things that may limit one on getting better. A teacher may rely on these too much and get into… >>>

I have been at this (teaching) since 1988. It is difficult to say that one can or will become the perfect teacher. All one can do is progress at their pace and do what is necessary to introduce the concepts, ideas and material. With reflection, a teacher can see what they are doing wrong or right and build on that, then move forward with your insights on teaching. In time a teacher will find out what they are doing is productive and will help the students. Even after all this time, I haven't perfected my style of teaching, and even… >>>

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i think consistency should be a priorty to a teacher's grading system. i treat all my students the same and all are on an even kiel. that is to say i'm consistent and let them know that everyone has the same opportunity to learn their tasks at hand and earn the marks they deserve. i don't pass or fail, they do.
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media choices are important so the student has the opportunity learn at their speed. if i choose to use the overhead projector the student sees the material and hears as well. different choices are good at different times.
I have had the privelege to teach in many areas-twenty years to this date- from kindergarten to the adults I teach now. A teacher must be prepared to deliver the content. If this isn't being done, then how is the student expected to gain the knowledge the instructor has to offer. To me teaching is a privelege, because the students have put their trust in me doing my job. they will listen to every word a teacher has to say and believe it for the most part. Thus an instructro must always be prepared to deliver.
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student motivation has always been an issue. i've taught pretty much every grade from kinder to high school to a community college and now a career college. i've always felt that the knowledge of the subject matter is always the best motivator. this, however, must be in conjunction with other factors of teaching; susch as, humor, empathy or leniency, understanding or caring. once a student see that you are willing to bend over backwards for them they do set to complete their work, and even try to please the instructor, and hopefully with that they learn what is necessary to… >>>

in my last forum topic i mentioned that the students find me to be a stickler to rules. i, however, do build a good rapport with my students regardless of this perception. i find that if i can relate and interact outside the class i get the needed classroom attention and work product. i build this rapport outside as well as in the classroom by joking around with them. i feel this helps put them at ease.

many of my students feel that i'm am rather a stickler to rules. i feel that a structured environment is conducive to the learning process. i rarely if ever have a class luncheon at the end of our semesters. i try to utilize as much of the classroom time that i possibly can for the students to receive and learn information that will enable them to succeed in the career chosen. i'm my hardest critic in that if the students don't get what they want once they graduate i blame myself for that failure,if you will. so how much should… >>>

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recently our school had a couple of verbal altercations amongst students and with educators. when students come in with certain expectations and even high standards from the school and don't receive them they do get frustrated and vent out either verbally or sometimes even physcially. it is understood that educators must be the motivating factor for their education, but how far must one go in motivating students who may have already have a mindset of not following through or even following rules? i am enthusiastic about my decision to educate in a career college, but must i babysit constantly? i… >>>

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