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when students have a positive experience in the class room it encourages more participation. If they are not made to feel stupid, maybe moving in the right direction with a skill or concept they will become more productive. It is important however not to make them feel like there is no room for improvement.


Absolutely! Students need to be respected, however, I believe there is always room for improvement in all of us.

Judy Mohammed

I agree. There should always be room for reinforcement. I usually reinforce the material every morning and at the end of class. I always use the students to help reinforce the material.; like calling them to the board and then praising them once they have answered everthing correctly.


I like using praise and I find that it motivates students.

Judy Mohammed

Praise and reinforcement have to be based on truth and reality or they are, in the long term, pointless andpossibly harmful to our students. We are trying to help out students become competent in the workplace, but if they show up in the workplace with a fantasy land belief in their skills they we are programming them to fail. I try to sandwich criticism before and after praise, but there has to be reality in our praise or any increase in their self-esteem will be built or shifting sands.

Many students are their own harshest critics and do a nasty job of criticizing their own work. I think I often have to be the person who tells them to ease up on themselves a little, and remember that this is the first time they've done this particular thing. This is the moment that I can also throw in the old chestnut that you need to practice to get better. There are no easy, painless shortcuts.

I do agree. Reward systems are great, even for college kids. We do nerd for the course in my classroom, and it really does motivate many students. The prize is not anything more than an old Mr. Potato Head and the students picture up on the "Nerd of the course" board. I love it!


Most people appreciate praise and students are people too. It works!

Judy Mohammed


You are so right. We need to keep in mind that we are sometimes the only cheerleaders for some students.

Judy Mohammed


I agree with you and I continually work on how I can truthfully sandwich criticism - I work hard at this and put much thought so that it can be meaningful.

Judy Mohammed

I whole-heartedly agree Gena. It makes them feel empowered and involved in their own education. It is much easier to alienate a student than it is to motivate, but our goal is to motivate.


You are so right. It is much easier to alienate, however, our own results will be low when we do this. It's back to the age-old adage, "you can get much more with honey than with lime."

Judy Mohammed

I certainly agree that appropriate and regular praise is essential to providing a classroom environment that embraces meaningful discussion. However, I have also found that "over" praising can make some students uncomfortable (particularly those who prefer to be out of the limelight). I find that personal reinforcement after class works best for that type of student. Are there any other examples of this situation?


Yes, there are others who have shared the same information about overpraising. Praise is good, I beleive I do not over praise. I do not praise the same student or students continuously. However, the class can determine for themselves when a student does everthing well. I will not embarrass that studnet with continual praise, but I do find ways to offer praise, like in a paper that I return.

Judy Mohammed

As an instructor of the students first skills class, reinforcement and praise is a must. They are already feeling uncertain about the new field that they have choosen and by reinforcement and praise gives them that great feeling of achievement that they have accomplished that certain skills


Like you may know, Diane, teachers may be the only cheerleaders for some of our students.

Judy Mohammed

If there is no praise or any acknowledgement of a students efforts, they won't even try. Everyone needs a little praise esp. if they have earned it.


That is so right. We all enjoy being praised.

Judy Mohammed

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