Karen Brew

Karen BrewCHEP

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I have always believed that our customers are anyone whom we come into contact with.  After completing this module not only was that reaffirmed, but I learned about different advising techniques.  I am honest and to the point and I base this on the individual rather than a hard fast rule.

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I have always believed that our customers are anyone whom we come into contact with.  After completing this module not only was that reaffirmed, but I learned about different advising techniques.  I am honest and to the point and I base this on the individual rather than a hard fast rule.

This course did have something to offer regarding lab and learning.  I just realized that not all people can see in and those who cannot probably won't engage.  Reinforced my Grad school information on adult learning theories, not always using them all of the time.

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@hkaiser : I am also a seasoned instructor and wondered if I was stuck in my ways.  I did make mistakes early on and have had alot of trial and error learning.  I am pleased that I hit the marks on almost everything.  That is not to say I am complacement, I change the material around every term.  I am professional, care about all of the students ( I don't want to hear any history that a student may have).  My methods of teaching are varied and have gotten alot of positive feedback.  My ice breaker to my OB/Peds students,… >>>

I found this to be an eye opener in some respects and also proud because of the techniques I already use.  I have always tried to relate to the Gen Y's and have had success, I am a Gen X.  I have found that I do stil need that old power point to a certain degree, but have learned to use other methods as well.  I have had great success from the performance contract.

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I just took this course and I had one quiz and the final.  I am know more aware of how my "soft skills" can influence the understanding of my students and peers.

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I appreciate your replies. I do highlight the most important info and also use real life stories, maybe to many stories. I'm implementing a few other ideas to make the long chapters easier to tolerate. Last term I had them all walk the room reciting various cardiac defects.

Found this interesting esp. for a small class.  I have 30 students and limited time to incorporate visual aids in the classroom but I can see the possibility in the skills lab.

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This would be great to utilize in a skills lab. Could get crazy with a large student population. It would be hard to refocus the students in a class setting but I may give it a try.
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I am required to get through 55 chapters in 10 weeks - anyone have any suggestions in managing so a content filled class using these methods?

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