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Using the Classroom

While lecturing use the entire room to let the students know you are comfortable in your environment.....

I move around the room a lot. I sometimes will stop and comment on the accoustics of that paticular area of the room. I set my room up with lots of space to move around. I also have props spread around the room to use. The students think it's random, but it's actually set up like that.

Greetings Alcide!

Don't you think that using the entire classroom helps keep students engaged as well?

Good job?

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

Using the classroom is so important to teaching and how an instructor plans to teach--there has to be a strategy and a planned approach to start-- that of course can be adjusted.

How are the students arranged, the desk that will allow you to move and use the entire space so you can make that eye contact, that they all can see the slides or board and you.

This will allow you to move and make your delivery and engage the students and they can engage each other.

This is one of the first things I do when I get into a classroom for the first time since I travel to different schools to teach.

I use the room to see students and there reactions as I talk and explain components of my lectures. As well as explaining the the assignment requirements. I have classes around 40-50 students so I need to be seen and heard.

Greetings Leslie!

Good work! A class of 40-50 students can be difficult to manage in a lot of ways, particularly trying to connect with each student. What do you mean that you "use the room to see students and their reactions"?

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

WIth that many students walking the room, in and out of aisles, walking in front and behind them. Keeps their attention. SOmetimes I see surprise in their expression as I near them. Students relax better. The odd time I would sit at the back of the class and just ask questions about the assignment or whatever in general, that was related to the subject matter of the class.

great answer Al i also feel that if you move around the classroom will help during lecture or power point, some times classroom set up requires the instructor to move around to help maintain contact with the students.

In addition to providing me with feedback, I believe that moving around the classroom does encourage students to be more engaged.
During the course of a session, I approach each new topic in 3 phases – first I explain the concept, theory, etc., then I demonstrate it and finally, I have students repeat the demonstration themselves.
While explaining (lecturing) I may walk casually from one side of the classroom to the other (not pacing). For demonstrations I'm at the computer (at my desk) or writing on the board, I then walk back and forth through the classroom while students execute what has just been covered – this way I ensure that each student is "up to speed" before proceeding to the next topic.

Great approach David!

Being interactive with and providing action activities for students is such a great teaching style.

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

I believe that moving around the classroom promotes a lot of good benefits. The big one is participation. During review of group classwork I walk around and monitor the students books without them knowing. It helps me see who isn't following along with the material or who really isn't participating in group work. I can then focus on that group or student more, too see what the real underlying issue is.
I also noticed, that it curbs alot of side conversations and keeps focus on your instruction.

I have always moved around a lot. One other benefit is that you can monitor what students are doing better. If a student seems sleepy, you would pick up on it sooner.If you are moving around, the rule-breaking(cell phone, note passing, talking out of turn,etc.) is beetter kept to a minimum.

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