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Personal Space

Every student needs to have his/her own personal space. Students tend not to do well if they do have seating/space challenges in the classroom.
I like for my classroom to be bright and the walls full of influential sayings that will provoke critical thinking about the career that most of my students may enter.

I like everything that you have mentioned. I would prefer to be in a class that has a window, the sun can do amazing things. Bright walls, posters, pictures or things that revolve around education in general can impact learning!

Personal space in my teaching environment is extremely important.I teach in a multi- racial, environment. My class tends to group by race and I have a few gang orientated individuals.
There have been testy moments but we all have survived. Once the disruption calms down I use a calming tecq. with both music and color and breathing avoiding the trigger colors. For the most part this has worked and we r establish personal spaces and continue class.

Personal space in my teaching environment is extremely important.I teach in a multi- racial, environment. My class tends to group by race and I have a few gang orientated individuals.
There have been testy moments but we all have survived. Once the disruption calms down I use a calming tecq. with both music and color and breathing avoiding the trigger colors. For the most part this has worked and we r establish personal spaces and continue class.

Personal space is important because it is a distraction when someone moves and bump you. It takes the focus of the subject being presented and put the focus at their seats.

i do think that all students need there personal space and i do like the room to have soft colors in the room. i do believe that it helps the class work better and stay on task. to many people in one room and sitting to close to each other makes them feel unconfromable.

I think it is great to give the student personal space so he or she can be comfortable in class and maybe just that little bit will encourage him to be a little more talkative instead of balling up in a shell we all need to feel as if we have some sort of control so if that is what it takes them im all for it

Having personal space is important, but, there are some positions int he real world that you may not have a lot of personal space. Working in a kitchen, you may not have a lot of personal space. I try to make sure that my students know this. There are kitchens that are small and you have quite a few people working in their side by side. its just a fact of working in a kitchen

Try to split the groups into mixing them together helps all to focus more on what i8s being taught in the class than what is going on outside of the classroom.

Students need personal space not just for books, but for a place to just be. After a few months I suggest to students that they can change where they sit. Most of them tell me that they like the space and if they need to talk to another student they go "visit". I have the students do a wall board of ideas or just of a subject that they as a group find interesting to them. If gives them a chance to learn about each other, share ideas, and permote conversations.

I feel it's important for my students to have their own defined space in culinary school. It keeps them focused on their task without the added distraction of a mess from other students.

I am teaching dental hygiene and students learn very quickly that the idea of personal space goes out the window in this field. I cannot teach them dental hygiene without getting very close and personal witht he student and the patient. I tell the students that have problems with personal space that this might no be the best career for them. You can't do dental hygienne from 3 feet away.

I agree with you, students should have their own defined space so that they feel more relaxed in their working enviroment

Some students need their one space but I have some that like to work together so I let them make that decision.

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