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Students on a First name basis

Do your students feel more empored when you call them by your fist name???

Not so much empowered, but acknowledged to their existence, and sets them at ease.

As an instructor, I believe that I have a responsiblity to the students to know each one of them individually. I work hard to memorize thier names the first class meeting. I believe that this helps the students know that I care and that I listen. Two characteristics that I expect students to have in order to learn.

I actually thought this was a query about learners calling the instructor by a first name. For that issue, I have a general rule of thumb. Generally, for undergrads, I do introduce myself as Dr Anderson and expect to be called Dr Anderson. However, for graduate learners I introduce myself as Cheryl Anderson and allow learners to address me as "Cheryl."

Cheryl Anderson

Yes, definitely. They feel important.

Hi Nagib,
It all depends on the type of class and the formal nature of how you conduct your class. In my classes I call my students by their first names because it is a little more informal and they like the setting and use of first names.

Hi Andy,
You dedication to know students' names quickly is a sign of your caring about their success. By them knowing you care about their success then they will return your caring by focusing on the content and skills of the course.

Hello Cheryl,
Would you care to explain the reasoning behind your differentiation process? It seems as if you consider undergrads less mature students.

I always address my students by their first name; it makes them feel at ease and creates a bond of trust between myself and the students. I teach culinary arts (Le Cordon Bleu)our curriculum is extremely rigorous so I need all the leverage I can get in order to teach on a one - on -one basics when needed.

By calling the students by their first name not only do I acknowledge their individualism but also gain their full attention to the subject when required.

We are required to call our students by Mr. or Ms. I think it is more professional.

Hi Luis,
Good explanation of why you use the first names of your students. Instructors need to "read" the educational setting in which they work and then develop operating procedures that work in that setting. That will determine whether the use of first or last names, or Mr, Ms is appropriate.

Hi Luis,
Thanks for asking! It has been my experience that the young undergrads (the 18 to 22 year-old group) are not mature. If this group calls me by my first name they seem to lack the needed respect to operate in a college classroom. Many would consider me their "friend" and take to calling me at their convenience morning, noon, and night; or expect me to be available to IM with them over any little detail of any small issue. Moving toward expecting the learners to address me as "Dr Anderson" did create the needed modicum of discipline and respect desired.

Graduate learners are entirely different overall. Most graduate learners that I work with are working adults. Many have significant dollars invested in their education. Most are respectful as a matter of course. I do allow these learners to call me "Cheryl" as it seems to be more of a professional relationship at the graduate level.

Do others have any thoughts on this?
Kind regards,

Hi William,
This supports a forum comment I made before and that is the setting and instructor preference determines how students are addressed. Use the title that works in your setting and are comfortable with.

I think that addressing students by their last name shows a little more respect and sets the tone of the relationship between student and instructor

I agree. I've always used the student's last name as the routine. (Secretly, of course, this helps me remember them as individuals - I'm likely to have several "Johns", and these days, with younger students, several "Ashleys", several spellings of "Kaitlyn", etc.
But my more important reason is that I've always felt it implies a more professional and respectful relationship, that I see them as adults and not as children.
When I was an undergrad, a particular professor in my department, one I respect(ed) deeply, always referred to students by their last name. I can honestly say I felt more respected by that gesture, and made me feel like he took me seriously as a member of the academy more than if he had used my first name or a nickname.

I never use first names in class. I've always used Mr. or Ms. then last name when addressing my students. I have always associated using first names with my friends. I am not in class to make friends. I am there to teach and help my students to become the very best they can be with the hope that will help them become successful in their life. I think Mr. of Ms. is a sign of respect to the student as I believe that if you want someone to respect you you must respect them. I try to help my students to relax and enjoy their learning experience "do not be afraid to fail rather be excited to succeed" is what I tell them. I want them to learn what it is to be professional and using Mr or Ms is an important step in that process.

Becuase I teach Interpersonal Communication, a course which encourages students to share personal expereinces and examples with the class, I believe that using first names is the only way to go. If I am asking students to share personal infromation with the class, they will be more at ease, in my expereince, if they feel they are in a nurturing environment and using first names is one way to accomplish this.

I also use my student's first names in examples in the class to keep interest alive. Although we are professional people there to teach, there is no rule that states that we have to distance ourselves so much from the students by not using their first names. In fact, I think that this encourages better performance, as they don't want to let their instructor down if they have a good relationship.

I also teach at an LCB culinary campus and our local culture is to only use last names. This keeps a level of professionalism that some of them truly need to learn. It also keeps the Instructor – Student relationship professional. I have no problem connecting with them but I feel first names are more for personal relationships.

Hi Patria,
You have a great perspective on what you need to do to support, encourage and develop your students. I am sure your students really enjoy your courses and your dedication to their success.

Yes, I feel that calling students by their forst name sets up great rapport

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