Robert Phillips

Robert Phillips

About me


As a side-note, I want to give the example of an anthropology class I took as a undergrad. I loved the course, and the material, and deeply enjoyed and respected the professor. But the entire course grade was based on two exams, the mid-term and the final, both True/False, 50 questions each. Sounds simple enough, eh? False! An average test question was phrased something along the lines of, "In 1975, Dr. John Smith from the University of Somewhere discovered the Homo Something fossil in the Great Rift Valley, which had a brain capacity of 850cc, lived approximately 2.5 million years… >>>

How do you all feel about telling current classes about changes and adjustments you plan to make to future sessions of the same course? For instance, if after some time you have decided to do less of something, or more, etc., or in response to student suggestions, you agree to change this or that. Should you announce that upcoming change to your current class? On the one hand I think it might anger some students who might think it's unfair that future classes will have the benefit of that change while they do not. But on the other, it might… >>>

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