Nagib Sued

Nagib Sued

About me


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The most dificult task is geting people to be in the right "mind set" people think of a meeting and imediately assume the worst; come in with a "negative attitude"
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Presentation anxieties can sometimes make an incredible presentation a memorable nightmare
Communicating effectively in this day and age of technology can sometimes be tricky.
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lectures should be interesting and interactive. If not we are realy just talking to walls; especially at 7 am
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dealing with stress is harder now a days with the econimic down turn and the risk of loosing your job
In the Culinary field; sometimes we gat student who try to undermined the instructors; and go around the room telling other students to do things differently. What should we do?
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School activities should revolve around the student population and their needs
should be done on the first day of class as black and white as possible
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I agree with Enrique...let the students have the powe...In a controled enviroment (of course)
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What is the best practice as far as learning style??

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