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Attitude is a very important fact when it comes down to the interaction between you and your students. A positive attitude goes a long ways when you are trying to get a point or a subject matter across. It is important that you have an up beat personality and a simple smile on your face. We all have personal issues in life but when that bell rings its "SHOW TIME"! I try to animate myself and provide a positive learning environment. That state of being seems to work and the students remain more focused. Encourage student participation and interaction, promote question asking and remain positive. Do any of you have a different approach that seems to work for you?

Probably the hardest thing I've encountered since being an instructor is "hiding" my frustrations with school policies and educational experience for my students. I've found out that my face indicates my mood more than anything and I have to really be careful and make sure my frustrations are under control and the students don't pick up on it.

Hi Santiago,
You make a number of very good points about instructor attitude and how it shapes the flow of class and student perception. Will said.
I wish you the best in your teaching.

Attitudes of students regarding instructors cannot be avoided due to the diverse population of our students , coming from different socioeconomic status. We have lots of students whom you question their intent in enrolling in nursing school.Some of these students are on the "survival mode " at all times and they always feel that they are short changed considering the large amount of tuition.. they express at times hostility , especially if the subject matter is difficult for them to grasp.. their behavior is reflected in their attitudes towards learning a new skill whether it is motor or cognitive
A student demonstrating a negative attitude is very"contagious". it affects the climate of the group.

I agree attitude plays a major role in professional life and personal life are behavior and attitude directly affect. Every one around us including family, students and coworkers.

I agree that a negative attitude from just one person can change the outlok of not just one day but a whole course. We need to make sure that all baggage is left at the door and by showing the most positive attitude we can try to change this.

The energy,confidence and attitude you project is what will carry the course.Have fun,they will look forward to attending class.Get a class motto.Something to keep everyone in class including the instructor focused. I use."GET A MAXIMUM RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT".Go as far as writing it on the board.

I agree with alot of what is being said, BUT there are times when the class can suck the enregy and enthusiasm right out of you. When I find myself in that situation, I throw my best stuff at them and hope for the best. I am sure we have all been there, and will continue as long as we are teaching.

I consider my overall attitude to be positive. One thing I like to keep in mind is why we are really here doing what we do. Of course, our true objective is to provide students with the value of the best education we can offer.
I've always appreciated the value of education and have always considered the teaching profession to be an admirable vocation.
There may be some instructors that are in their position because it is simply just another job with another paycheck. Students perceive this attitude on the part of the instructor and their motivational and satisfaction factors suffer.
If you like what you do, you will have a good attitude. If you don't like what you do, find something else to do.
One other thing I like to keep in mind is things could always be worse. Heck, I could have to work for a living

I agree wholeheartedly. I always tell my students that overall I like what I do. Somedays are better than others. Like everything else in life.

Well said Mr. Kelly,

There are always at least two ways of looking at any being in a positive fashion and the other in a negative...some remain neutral as well, they are probably the ones referred to as just here for a paycheck.
I like you enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with those we are charged with giving the best we have to offer...
The students have a great wealth of instructors and knowledge coupled with tools and equipment... the missing component is attitude.
They need a positive attitude to succeed in this industry...or any for that is the one item we can model, mentor and ask them to have but ultimately it is up to the student...They hear what we do much greater than what we live the good attitude and lead by example...this along with the technical knowledge is key to student success....
Thanks for being a friend and supportive Colleague

I agree Mr. Kelly. The impassioned instructor will leave peripheral distractions on the periphery and have fun doing what he was trained for and hired to do. As a second to your other comment, students can spot the instructor there for a paycheck in a heartbeat, (or is that nanosecond?).

What you say is very true. Sometimes, though, you have something going on that you really can't keep hidden. While it is not a good idea to confide your personal problems and challenges to your students, I have found that it is very helpful sometimes to tell them that you have something on your mind and if you seem a little "off", students should try to understand that it has nothing to do with them. Otherwise, a certain number of students will take responsibility for your mood or will be offended by it.

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