Douglas Pergram

Douglas Pergram

About me


With all the new curriculum input my preparation time and organization time has increased considerably. While it would seem the new material would make the job easier it's increased the preparation load. If I follow the new material to the "letter" I will have a lot of "dancing around" to describe why the information doesn't coincide with the students material.
With all the software available now I think each of use could design a reasonable Online Course if that software was made available to instructors. It would be challenging but with help from Curriculum on how to use the software we could produce some good training material.
The challenge will be trying to create an Online Course since most of this is locked into the Curriculum Department and most of us have very little input to such creation;
To eliminate or reduce the possibility of students being able to cheat in crowded rooms I would like to print and use multiple copies of an original test (with all the same questions and answers just having the questions sorted randomly). If would be a challenge to grade but it would keep all participants on their toes to say the least. Doug
Discussion Comment
Comes in many varities and degrees of seriousness. When class curriculum is not balanced and easy to follow not only for the student but also the instructor, then stress grows. Trying to get information across with information scattered like ashes tossed into the wind not only causes students to "stress" but also those instructors who sincerely teach as well.
Probably one of the biggest problems in our school is that we are face to face only 3 weeks at a time with a group of students. What I do is let out counselors know if I "feel" something isn't going properly with a student and hopefully they can give them more guidance.

I am not a recruiter, but I understand the economics of retention. It certainly does affect our school and what goes on here. In our society it has become common place for a product to be sold and yet not fulfill its' promise as described on the "package" than come away feeling as though you got your monies worth. I can only see things like a horse with blinders sometimes and the way I see our educational process is that for the $XX,XXX.XX that a student pays for tuition they should get more knowledge made available to them than they… >>>

The students are always faced with some dilema that affects their happiness with a school. My personal belief is a really professional curriculum with current real world information would make retention less of a instructor problem. Make the curriculum the best in the nation instead of throwing it together to satisfy "certification" requirements and more students would be coming to our school. Most of our students are young, but they are not stupid and after a period of attendance they catch on to the lack of a professional curriculum and then discontent enters their thought process.
What would be a great help would be that the instructor's guides, the student workbooks and the powerpoint all actually work together.....and to make this more enticing, how about test questions that answers can be found in the student workbooks?

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