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Active Learning

Active Learning; me personally I like active learning because I learn the same way. I like using training aids that fit subject matter and put them in the student hands. The students get a better concept of the items of discussing because they get to hold them.

Although group reporting and role palying are considered "high risk", I have experienced that students learn a lot more soft skills application when involved in these activities.

Hi Richard,
I concur! When students can do it or feel it, they tend to get a better understanding.

Patricia Scales

Hi Ramon,
Students tend to enjoy these type of activities, and it gives you as the instructor a feel right on the spot whether the student is grasping the information or not.

Patricia Scales

I think that when you use training aids that fit for your course, students can get a sense of accomplishment that some may be lacking. For example, removing fingerprints from a window. If a student is able to correctly and appropriately lift the print, they tend to take pride in their accomplishment.

Hi Richard,
Students enjoy applying what they have learned theory wise. Application is the best test to determine if a student understands.

Patricia Scales

Hi Ms. Scales:
I agree with you, without applicaation learning purposes are incomplete. At the sametime, students have to enjoy what they are learning for longterm retention.

Hi Mohammad,
I concur! Students will retain the information, if they enjoy it.

Patricia Scales

This is my main stay as far either in my classroom or my lab I make sure the students can always feel or touch something. And if I get that "I don't get it" I make sure to use a drawing or another training aid to try to get the material across to the student.

Hi Richard,
Students love visuals, and they tend to grasp the concept through the use of visual. I love how you use different teaching methods to help your students grasp the concept.

Patricia Scales

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