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Title IX

This was honestly a good course. I have learned very little of VAWA and Clery and some familiarity of Title IX. After going through this course, I feel that students, school employees, and staff should have some training and education on each of these.

Title IX and VAWA

The Title IX and VAWA information includes supportive measures. 

Opinions on an IX Coordinator being present on all campuses

After learning more about this. Do you feel it is safer to have an IX Coordinator on site or not? One not being on site meaning that the campus is too small. I feel like this presence should be known and will increase the chances of good healthy behavior and community building within the campus setting. Let me know your thoughts. Thank You.


Great refresher.

Understanding the Parameters of Title IX

Having observed several faculty being dismissed over Title IX violations over the years, I think it is important to educate faculty of the nuances of what constitutes a violation, because many faculty are simply unaware and accept violations as part of an institution's status quo.

Title 1X

This is very informative

Title IX

Important information for all educators to be aware of

Have You Been Involved?

Have you ever been involved in a title 9 investigation?   Did the process that was described in this unit seem familiar with what you experienced?   How was it the same or different?

Encourage Safety Awareness

Take time to dialogue with your students about safety awareness techniques. Try not to be distracted and try and coordinate walking across campus to prevent unwanted aggressive acts. Encourage reporting of stalking and why the reporting is significant. 

Is the institution liable for monetary compensation?

Yes, I strongly feel that the college should be held liable.

Building Safer Campuses

 I think Title 9 prohibits discrimnation based on sex in a educational activities. VAMA reports sexual violence using policies and procedures. Cleary Act reports crime Statistics on college campuses. Title 9, VAMA and Cleary Act  are important to help prevent and make everyone aware of the sexual violence in an educational setting or activity.

Posting of policies

Is the University Hanbook or University Webpage the best place to post these policies?

Inappropriate student attire in the classroom

I was wondering what is the proper course of action if a faculty finds a student or students are wearing clothes in the classroom that could be deemed "inappropriate.:

Edukan Inter net classes have no campus.

What are teachers of internet courses suposed to for IX Title since there is no campus and many students

are from many distant states?  It seems that most of what must be learned have no function that make sence.

Is there a special class for us that that just covers what Internat teachers at educan need to do?

Jim Lakey 



training ressources

Does anyone has a good ressource for free training material for the students? i'm thinking video mostly

Title IX Requirement

I worked as a Title IX coordinator at a K-12 institution. While most of the allegations were inocuous we had to remember that in order for it to be considered a Title IX it has to be discrimination on the basis of sex.


Subpart C—Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Admission and Recruitment Prohibited

§ 106.21   Admission.

(a) General. No person shall, on the basis of sex, be denied admission, or be subjected to discrimination in admission, by any recipient to which this subpart applies, except as provided in §§106.16 and 106.17.

(b) Specific prohibitions. (1) In determining whether a person satisfies any policy or criterion for admission, or in making any offer of admission, a recipient to which this subpart applies shall not:

(i) Give preference to one person over another on the basis of sex, by ranking applicants separately on such basis, or otherwise;

(ii) Apply numerical limitations upon the number or proportion of persons of either sex who may be admitted; or

(iii) Otherwise treat one individual differently from another on the basis of sex.


Here is the link to the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations):



Immunity in Title IX cases

case question for all:


Does immunity for behaviors that break the code of conduct unrelated to the title IX investigation only protect the victim and witnesses or also the respondent?

important content


Great refresher...

I feel this is an important topic to review annually as a refresher & to keep up with new information. 


Excellent Info.