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Consistent and valuable feedback interaction is paramount for online learning. Also, integrating the ARCS writing technique when communicating with students is valuable: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. 

Online technology provides various ways to engage with student, including chats, discussion boards, video or audio meetings, emails, announcements, and collaborative group projects.

I have been teaching blended courses for 14 years, and this method allows for students to engage, plan, find the best time to work, and review. 

Successful online learning techniques includes the seven principles stated in the module: Encourage contact with instructor and students, Develop reciprocity & cooperation, Encourage active learning, Give prompt feedback, Discuss the appropriate "time on task," Promote high expectations, and Encourage respect for all individuals. 

Using of a variety of communication tools is paramount for an online course. These tools should be assessed as to whether they enhance or detract from communicative learning.  I learned about asynchronous and synchronous learning environments. Asynchronous is "Anytime" (discussions, emails, wikis, blogs, and synchronous is "Real Time" (meeting together online as two people or a group).

I love having the community groups. Communication is key, and it must be clear, specific, professional, and respectful.

I like the idea of posting a video for the instructor's biography and for weekly directives. 

Effectively communicating online leads students down a path to success.  It leads to the exchange of knowledge and develops community.  I was an online asynchronous student and saw the challenges in generational communication. I was part of teams where one or more did not communicate or do their part, causing the rest of the team to stress.  My students are synchronous learners, so some of the non-verbal communication is still present, but that does not mean there are not generational or ethnic communication issues. I agree we need to lead and demonstrate proper communication. I also agree that we need… >>>

Our school has clearly outlined communication expectations in the catalog. I never thought of drafting a communication policy for my classroom or a conduct policy.  I have not encountered a need for it. If an issue ever arises, I remind students of the school policies.  I have had coworkers who had more specific rules for their classrooms.  I could see the value in it.

This course is providing us with several options for I2S and S2S communication.  My classes are synchronous and we use webcam, mics, and email consistently.  I typically do not use text or calling, but am considering it to help improve I2S communication.  I would like to try using polling, especially when I want get students thinking quicker.

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