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Addressing students by name in written communications goes a long way in making them feel heard.

I really like the idea of an introductory video, letting students see and hear me as a real person before the beginning of a course. I think this will help students feel comfortable coming to me with questions/concerns.

One thing that stuck out to me is if an online student says "I am lost" via text, there is likely a ton more going on in the background leading up to them making this statement and this would likely mean my teaching methods for this specific student need to be reassessed to ensure they do not get to this point again before saying something.

Early and frequent communication with students and staff is going to be key to success in the classes I teach/assist. Being 100% remote might present some challenges, especially being prn staff.

Comment on Joyce Hladky's post: Twitter and other social media is a good feedback for clients to check for understanding. Get ideas and knowledge from other people, but you need to watch who you follow and watch what you post and win

Comment on Shae Norris's post:  I agree with everything that you said I would do the same thing

The biggest take away for me is the things recommended to motivate participation. Personalizing the environment, encouraging introductions, giving timely feedback, modeling correct writing style with grammar, spelling, and etc., be visible online, and establish clear guidelines. Developing my skills to improve these elements is a good goal.

Many student emails sent to instructors begin and end of a negative note. "You're teaching method is too difficult and I'm failing."

Adding self-disclosure statements can be helpful here and also addressing a student's anxiety level before offering solutions.

I have found a mix of students' knowledge of technology.  Many are very savvy about technology and what it can do, while others are afraid of it.  Many "older" students have not kept up with the newer trends.  As an instructor, I try to use technology that is user-friendly to all students, not just some.  

I have found a mix of students' knowledge of technology.  Many are very savvy about technology and what it can do, while others are afraid of it.  Many "older" students have not kept up with the newer trends.  As an instructor, I try to use technology that is user-friendly to all students, not just some.  

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