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It is important to rail in inattentive students and help understand what we can do to make things better for them. Working with students, providing class quizzes and bringing in guest speakers are all great ways to keep the students on their feet. 

I learned that a syllabus is very important and is necessary for students. By creating a detailed syllabus to provide to the students will help them gain the knowledge for what is needed to complete the course successfully.

What was your worst/most challenging class, and how did you deal with it?

I noticed this content seems to be focused on college students. I teach high school. However, some of these strategies look like they could work for classroom management.

I don't accept late work. I give students plenty of time to complete assignments during class.

Typically, I don't spend a lot of time on the syllabus. I can see now how restructuring it and making it more student friendly will improve the first week or so of class.

Most of the useful information I needed, when I've been the student. is structure of course, objectives and assessment.  Have to keep that in mind when I'm the instructor now.  I think I need to do better at managing due dates on work that I assign and found useful tools in this course.  Thanks.

Excellent strategies for managing improper adult behaviors.  The key for me is to ensure proper communication of rules and consistently enforce them school wide.

It was interesting to review ways to manage the classroom, with respect to discipline. Since I have been teaching for a long time, I have faced many of these situations first-hand. It was reassuring to me that the way I handled the situations were as recommended. Great tips to pass on to other instructors.

Be prepared and always show confidence in in your ability to convey your information to your students. Demand respect but it should always be reciprocal. Show compassion and be firm. Be consistent in all you do. When you make a mistake and you let your students know, it will usually end up being humorous and that's a good thing. It's the difference between men and machines. Love your students. They should be the reason you're there.

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