How do I calm my fears as a new instructor?
John F Cabra View Profile
inaet halimi
Thank you for sharing.
Jacqueline Ajaero
Thanks for sharing.
Michelle Rymer
This was so helpful!
Heather  Roussere
Wise words from a wise man! Well said!
Mary Jo Wentzel
"A climate of trust, a climate of openness, a climate conducive to engage..." You seem very wise.
Sandra Griffin
Yes, I definitely have anxiety being a new instructor even though I am clinical. I am trying to figure out a way to calm these nerves.
Amina Begum
On my 1st day of a new class I do a similar thing , but face to face: I ask them to introduce themselves one by one and mention an area of interest they have and if I click with it, I take the students name and say "ooh i love to paint as well":) and when I ease out abit I go ahead with my lesson plan
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