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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

This course has been very enlightening for me.

Understanding the diversity of learning disabilities, how to identify them, approach students, and assist them in their journey is extremely important. Having experienced many different learning disabilities in class, I am now able to identify them and am more confident in approaching discussions and finding accommodations for individual students. 


It is important to learn all the different ways to reach your students when you have several different generations in one class.  This course was very informative and can be used in any class as long as you involve everyone.

understanding students

work with them and ask questions

Valuable Lessons

I have learned the importance of understanding the distinct differences from different generations. It is essential to take the time to learn the reasons behind why people act and do the thinghs they do.


K. Staggers

Clinicnal Manager

Bottom line

It has been my experience in teaching classes of diverse learners not only in generations, but in other areas, is to establish a tone of mutual respect and importance of everyone in the class.  I talk to them about building a sense of community and in that any community they are all kinds of roles, jobs, talents, and personalities that must find a way to co-exist with each other.  Humility and a servant attitude has proven very helpful to me along with a sense of humor.  Humor, respect, and a genuine interest in students as individuals can overcome a variety… >>>

Teaching Gen Y Students

This was a very interesting course I enjoyed how the Generations were described and I could visualize them in my head very well!!!!

Diversity in the Classroom

As a Business Instructor responsible for training ELL students on every aspect of business, I plan on integrating case studies/lesson plans that speak to the different cultures in my classroom. I also plan on having each student keep a journal so I can assess their english language proficiency throughout the semester. I can then tailor my instruction around different levels of english language proficiency.

Dealing with students who suffer from PTSD

I have been dealing with Veterans who suffer from PTSD for many years already. I have already implemented  most of what was in this training. However, I found the tips about keeping the isles clear in the class room to be useful. We deal with a wide mix of students. Many are fresh out of High School and some are older adults/vetrans. I have always allowed alot more latitude when dealing with Vets. I find it goes along way in showing them that I respect them as being reponsible adults. For instance, giving a student who suffers from PTSD the freedom to… >>>

Valuable TBI and PTSD Information

I am an Army Veteran of 25 years as a Medic and Licensed Practical Nurse.  I found completion of the 'ED130- Teaching Students with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder' a good refresher and also learned some new materials. Our school has a student population of over 50% Veterans. I have no doubt that this information will be valuable for all our faculty and staff to better understand our Veteran students. Thank you.

Second language learners and reading

I have learned over the years that a second language learner has more difficulties comprehending what he or she reads than one thinks. Many times foreign students read well but this does not mean that they comprehend.  It is very important to check comprehension constantly by asking specific comprehension questions.

wander the environment

As a teacher of the Five elements in TCM.  I fantasize about my students taking a walking exploration of the environment and chart their interaction with the vareous elements.  I ralize this is a combination of the Baby boomers self exploration and the active learning of gen Xers as well as Gen Y/s finding nd proving for themselves.  I think Ill do it this term

There is ability in disability

I typical talk about mindful and cross cultural competence at the begining of every class. I also usually define diversity to include students with various disability. Most students with learning disability are comfortable discusing their disability in class. When they do, I find that it excites great sensitivity among other students. I have has a student with PTSD once in my class who jumped and hid under the table. The fellow students were compationate and helpful due to the fact that we discussed it.


patience is a virtue


patience is a virtue


beginning with a learner in mind

Foreign Student Success

I am a foreign graduate and it took time for me to adjust in United States.  Culture shock! Full of challenges and one challenge is correcting my accent.  I can write and spell it right but pronouncing is  a big time.  I always get confidence in myself and never give up.  I read and learn from day to day, went back to school and did my Master's degree.  And getting this certification is a part of my continuing education as a Program Director.  A foreign graduate succeeded.

Learn student names

As difficult as it can be, learning student names is very important to the GEN Y students. They expect it and can get upset if not called by name or called by the wrong name.


I have had great success with teaching Generation Y students.  The key is to keep them involved and include some technology but, not too much in your lectures.


it is so difficult to work with individuals that are less tech savvy.i.e using a mouse.i get frustrated because it needs to be taught many times. but i now understand

The incoopreration of Technology

Many of my students have a faciniation with technology and are more readily to use than myself. I try to incorporate the use of technology into assignemnts either through research or seeing which student can find the answeres to questions the fastest in class.


One of the facets I most enjoy about teaching in a career college is the opportunity to interact with students and staff from other generational cohorts.  I wasborn near the end of the Baby Boomer generation; my own children are older Gen X'ers.  I find it is important to consider the ways in which technology has impacted my Gen Y students to be extremely important while also keeping in mind the fact that my Baby Boomer students may or may not have the same mindset.  I also need to remember to learn from all of my students:  i wanted to… >>>