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Student/Employer Perspective | Origin: CS109

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Empowering Students with an Arrest or Conviction --> Student/Employer Perspective

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Inform students of how to utilize "core skills" of confidence, honesty, and personal contact. I learned the importance of these can help students overcome the negative viewpoint of having a conviction. 

I currently serve a minority/majority campus and of the 60% student of color population, over half identify as Black/African-American. This summer, I have learned a lot more about the statistics in the US criminal justice system and the systemic racism therein. As simple as it sounds to have "personal contact and a high quality interaction," I need to consistently apply these 2 concepts with my work with all students, especially the students of color I serve. While the current COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic has negatively influenced one's ability to have "personal contact," virtual means exist and can be effective, too.

These worksheets will be very useful in my Pre-Release classes here at the South Idaho Correctional Institution, particularly "Overcoming Objections."  Sometimes, incarcerated students will use their conviction as an excuse for not seeking employment; i.e. "Nobody will hire me with my background."  When an offenders makes this statement  to me, I respond with "You're correct--nodoby will hire you if you don't apply for jobs!"


It is good to know that not all employers automatically view a criminal record as reasons not to hire.  Some employers seek to hire people who need second chances.

Unfortunately the 'lack of confidence' extends to African Americans who are not convicts because of the high percentage of employers who associate color with crime.

Knowledge is key. When the student understands the objections they may have to overcome then they can prepare for an appropriate responce with confidence.

I believe that certain laws were put in place for majority of the population to faiil and then pay penalties, and fail continously when they have no means or finances to pay.

Work with students and young adults to overcome the negative perception people/employers may have. 

Creating a vision board is very important because it encourages students to reflect and review where they see themselves in the future. Also, it forces the students to take an active role in their future while creating an opening for discussion.

Being sure to establish realistic expectations is key when working with students having employment barriers or not.

Be it helping them overcome arrest or criminal convictions, helping them to understand the challenges of joining a new industry with little to no work experience or helping them to understand the compensation that comes with entry level positions makes a serious impact when starting from a realistic point.

This ensures that the person realizes the actual challenges they face and can avoid spending energy on factors outside of their influence and control.



I really appreciated the honest breakdown on discrimination from employers, why they exist, how they are enforced, and the beginning of the explanation on how to prepare students for the pushback.  Great section so far.

The more a student knows about the company policies on dealing with felony charges, the better they will be prepared to interview. 

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