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I learnt mush about the admissions processes dealing with what is legal and ethical. What nneds to be said with in the law when a studedent is inquiring about our school. All about  federal disclosure of information such as displaying infroamtion in a open format and  making sure to include the requiste information in promotional materials.

I also learnt that all schools are expected to adhere t othe federal requirements as well as regualtions about misrepresentation is limited to what is is writing . If you verbally you must not misrepresent  the school.

I aslo learnt that Fedreal reg prevail over state.

There was much I leant

Appling what I learnt ... well  since I do not deal with actual enrollement, of  a student I think I could apply what I learnt  by monitoring the activities of the addmisions department and inform the director if I see anyone out of complaince with the regulations

The support I would need would come form the DOA if  I do discover any practices by the Admissions team that are out of compliance and for the DOA to follow up to make sure his/her department is in complaince. What they do in addmissions can  affect the whole school.

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