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 I found it interesting that researcher Taub (2006) stated that the attitudes of school principals  can result either in increased opportunities for students  in general education or in limited efforts, by not supporting special segregated education services.  It was found that principals with positive attitudes were more likely than those with negative attitudes to recommend inclusive educational placements for students with disabilities.  Future opportunities for students with disabilities might be reduced by a principal who has a negative attitude, especially if those students are prevented from completing regular academic coursework  required for admission to a 4-year college. Educators who have negative attitudes toward students with disabilities tend to expect low achievement and inappropriate behavior from those students. As a result of this research it is recommended that Educators are aware of these biases and ensure that they do not negatively influence opportunities available to students with disabilities.

Taub, D.J. (2006). Understanding the Concerns of Parents of Students with Disabilities: Challenges and Roles for School Counselors. Professional School Counseling Journal , October 2006, 10(1),52-57.

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