Katherine Conway

Katherine Conway

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Digital and Virtual environments allow creative and engaging learning experiences.  To ensures that your learning is effective, memorable, and drives business results. Excite, Engage, and Embed your learning

Identify your goals.

Plan and prepare learning objectives.

Be flexible.

Locate resources

Reply to Ebony Lovingood's post:

I agree Ebony there are many ways to include positive contributions with Digital and Virtual environments:

Digital and Virtual environments allow creative and engaging learning experiences.  To ensures that your learning is effective, memorable, and drives business results. Excite, Engage, and Embed your learning

Identify your goals.

Plan and prepare learning objectives.

Be flexible.

Locate resources

Gaming and Simulation can have a positive impact with regards to achieving specific learning objectives. Three learning outcomes focus on: cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning. The main barriers are Prep time, Poor fit for subject content, and lack of information. Over time these barriers should lessen as more options and information becomes available.

I agree Erica, improving clarification is always a positive

There is a saying: Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail_ This is a geat motto and one to live by: Before an important presentation


  1. Prepare and Rehearse,
  2. Memorize your opening, use some humor
  3. Practice your speech from written notes but then look at audience not notes
  4. Practice presentation flow by reading aloud and listening to flow
  5. The power of silence is helpful, especially a nice pause before answering a question
  6. Have a backup plan as there may be some disruptions, keep the flow going, a casual conversation with the audience even if presentation needs to stop for a
  7. >>>

Internships offer individuals who are new to the workplace an opportunity to work in their field of interest, prior to full-time employment. Excellent opportunities can be obtained, The Virtual Internship environment can nurture and perfect skills for future employment. Most internships can begin after the first completed year of study.

Internships are particularly beneficial to individuals who are thinking of a career change. These individuals can obtain excellent work experience, build a portfolio, and become comfortable networking.

Virtual Internships can avail of collaboration and team work from the daily technology used. As we have seen with the recent Pandemic, Zoom and other virtual environments means that support is often only a quick click away!

 I found it interesting that researcher Taub (2006) stated that the attitudes of school principals  can result either in increased opportunities for students  in general education or in limited efforts, by not supporting special segregated education services.  It was found that principals with positive attitudes were more likely than those with negative attitudes to recommend inclusive educational placements for students with disabilities.  Future opportunities for students with disabilities might be reduced by a principal who has a negative attitude, especially if those students are prevented from completing regular academic coursework  required for admission to a 4-year college. Educators who have… >>>

To accommodate  students with cognitive or physical disabilities, faculty must involve  strategies that are accessible throughout their day to day schedule. The classroom environment and instructors must consider changes and accommodations to increase student participation and enhance learning. When teachers and students adapt effective instructional strategies, individual and groups of students gain the tools necessary to become successful learners. Here are some strategies you can use:

Colored highlighters to direct attention to key information.

Digital timer to help pace student while working. .  

Colored sticky notes to draw attention or clarify important information.

Large pencils and/or pencil grips/weighted pencils.… >>>

I agree very informative, issues such as  where a disability is well controlled is still given the same protections offers additional insights.

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