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Are you ready to take an online course? The instructor and the students should do a self-analysis on whether you are ready to take this course.  Some of the questions would be, do you have the technology to dedicate this time? Are you self-motivated? Do you have time management?  One thing I always stated to my F2F courses is that for every one hour of lecture you should study 2 hours at home.  Can you set reminders the day before due dates? 

For the instructor, it will take 20 plus hours to develop the online environment to be enriched and ready. After the initial investment of time then maintenance will not be a time worthy. 

Also, considering special needs support we as instructors need to have an understanding what the disability is and how we can support your success.  Should we allow for more time on testing, provide better study aids and furthermore ask student services for extra help. The more a student communicates the better.

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