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Hi Patricia.
I like how you refer to me being broken in quickly. These students wasted no time.
Little background: On our first day of class I, like everyone else, did an introduction of myself. I tell a little about my life, I have 3 children-all adults, I am a nursing student and a medical assistant, blah blah blah….but when I get to the part about my children, I do NOT hesitate to tell them that my children were NO angels! So try as you might, it's going to be really hard to get something past me. Believe it or not, I was no glimmering angel myself either. So please do not humiliate yourself or insult me by trying. PLUS, you are here as adults, by choice. If you feel the need to cheat, then just leave!
Now Patricia, don't get me wrong, it was not this short and sweet, but you get the jest of it. But despite my trying to be on the money, there is always that one….
Speaking of that one…After she handed in her final exam, I documented the entire episode and notified all necessary heads, I simply grabbed her exam out of the pile and placed a HUGE red zero on it. She has since dropped out of the program and out of the school. This was her 2nd time taking this course and she was failing miserably. She was always late or not there. Never came prepared. Failed the midterm, which I actually gave the class a second chance at because cumulatively they ALL did horrible. So considering she took the midterm twice! I took the first midterm, review the entire thing with the class, then modified it. I used the same questions just shifted them a bit. What had once been the question was now within the answer. She actually managed to get a worse grade second time around. Very sad but this young lady was obviously not in this for herself. The lack of discipline and maturity was non-existent. Unfortunately.
After this occurrence, I laid down the law. If I even suspect a student, I will walk over and just ask them to move seats or something. I use some lame excuse so that is detracts from looking at them with suspicion and makes it me being quirky or something. It's always a challenge!
And thank you for the compliment!

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