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Most teachers tend to go with their strengths. Some teachers have charisma and can wow the student with a lecture. Others can dazzle them with their hands on skills. I say stick with what works best for you and make sure it is working with your students. Work on any weakness you have and improve on it. Make sure your students are following you through the course. Anyone who said you need no more than 5-7 steps have never put together a battery operated jeep for a child. You may need 5-7 sets of those 5-7 steps. Just make sure each set is precise. I honestly believe that you not only grade yourself. Let some students grade you. Don't say "So how did I do tonight?" Maybe ask the student how they did and were they able to keep pace understand the steps and felt good about the outcome. No teacher wants to find out how well the students did on final exam day. I think everyday deserved a grade for both the teacher and the student. Understand being a top teacher is hitting on 95% or better. Nobody is going to be perfect.

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