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The receptionist

I don't think enough importance and appreciation is given to receptionists. They truly are the first impression the student gets of the school and its people. When they give the student their FULL attention and positive non-verbal it really makes a difference! This training (or similar) should be mandatory for receptionists.


Good idea. I see a lot of places where the receptionist is given so many extra things to do that the phones and guests become an interruption.

Jeffrey Schillinger

In my field of dentistry, the receptionist is really the first impression of the office.

Jackie ,

What do you do to set a solid first impression for your students each class meeting?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I make a point to greet them in a positive, pleasant way. I also try to "touch base" on a personal level with them, asking how their day is going, etc.

I am such a strong believer in the importance of the position, they are the "face of the practice" the clients first contact and last during a visit in most cases. I worked as a receptionist and have a personal appreciation for what they really do!I always teach this in my classes.


We call our receptionist the "Director of First Impressions."

Jeffrey Schillinger

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