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In the passs teaching students interviewing strategies in class and practicing during in role play exercises has motivated the student participation. Practicing completing applications, interviewing, and negotiating a good salary can be priceless activities for the inexperienced student.

when students are doing their clinical rotations at the various hospitals they must be prewarned that they are already being watched for the traits that prospective employers are looking for


Yes, it is an on-the-job interview is it not.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.


All of these are good practices. Thank you for your post.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

just getting them to understand they have to sell themselves and persue the job is the key. if they think they are supose to get it because they have this school they are going to be disapointed.


Exactly! We train and prepare but the student is the one that gets the job. Look at how your institution is prepping students for the job search and adjust as needed.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

On the job interviews are conducted towards the end of each term with student "Dressing for Success." They are sent through our mock interviews with other classmates who give positive feedback. This inspires our students and encourages them for the real interview.


You probably have found common areas for improvement too. Which in turn improves the program for future students.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

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