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Mentoring students will help them understand what is going on in the class room and what you expect from them. It will also keep them focused on what the class has to offer and that you do care that they understand what you are teaching them. If you mentor a student correctly you will see them mentoring there classmates.

I enjoy mentoring students ,as an older instructor you loose may what is important to your young students mentoring students helps me to identify and relate to their problems and then I can offer insight as how to help solve their problems .I can assist students an how to relate to people that the students may try to get a job


Mentoring students is one of the best ways of retaining students. Keep up the good work.

Dr. Larry Banks

Guidance ,on a personal level with students, has always been a rewarding part of teaching. As we instructors gain more and more experiance its reassuring to the students we mentor .

The school I work with has very short programs and can be completed under one year. We currently have an informal mentoring system in place, but after reading this, I believe that it would be best to formalize it. The shorter programs can have a new student start with a mentor that graduates within a month of that new student starting. This can cause a reverse effect. I think that I'll have to rethink how I match groups of students and how I could incorporate instructors. The biggest key is to ensure that the mentors (students) continue to be optimistic...This is a difficult area for my campus. Students have good mornings and bad afternoons. Educators have a lot on their plates already. I'm open to any suggestions on how I can be more consistent and productive in this area.


Awesome. You will find mentoring helps students. Especially in the first term. This is where you will get the most results...

Dr. Larry Banks

Mentoring really helps me understand what it takes to be a student in this day in age. Mentoring give the student a chance to express themselfs without judement and that in turn will make for a better learning experiance

Mentoring, by far, is one of the greatest aspects of a teacher's career. Too often both the instructor and students do not consider that to be the case.

Mentoring students has been the most rewarding part of being an instructor. Ity is a way to pay foreard for all of the time that my mentors invested in me.

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