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RT-103 core (traits) COMMONALITIES

upbringing , and maturity level as well as previous real world work experience has a great deal to do with successful retention of a student's core commonalities,(traits) irregardless of the chosen field of service for which they are being trained to pursue. obviously they are there for a reason, possibly - to improve their life,make a better living. succeed at a higher level- whatever.
many young folks in today's world are generally not used to being held accountable for their own actions. consequently present-ability, work ethic-such as being on time for work or school, reliability in a general sense, how they are accepted by the other students or work associates. is crucial to the attitude and acceptance of the student in a classroom or workplace environment. Retention being the end result or goal to succeed.


Students "with baggage" need to see the relevance of the course to their life. They can be engaged.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

I find that many of the younger generation are actually better students, they seem to bring less life baggage with them and they are pretty open minded. It helps to find common themes between student and teacher.

Yes the changes in generation are presenting a need in changing how we present our education and school enviroment.


We do have a generation where entitlement is a concern, however, it is our role to develop the whole person.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

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