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The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Of all the parts involved in student retention such as: student involvement
in campus activities, career planning so that students will have clear career plans, to quality orientation programs Is there a way to measure which is the greater contributor to retention efforts?


The specific things that go into an effective retention program are difficult to issolate and measure. Research has indicated that the quality of the interaction between students and faculty members tends to have the greatest impact on persistence decisions.

At my college, we began to see gradual improvements in retention that have continued for three years by putting extra emphasis on faculty training and recognition. Our course evaluations, completed by students, did not really change that much. Neither did our student satisfaction scores, but more students are completing their programs.

The more positive the faculty members are about what they do and where they are, the better retention will be.

"...quality of the interaction between students and faculty members tends to have the greatest impact on persistence decisions.

Agreed. Many faculty members take an attitude that they can't be bothered with personally contacting student by phone to check on missing attendance or assignments etc. I hear "my professors never called me, and if they did my parents would have killed me for warranting such call".
The generation of beginning college students require different thinking, different means of communication. I know several instructors who have great success sending text messages to students and using Twitter for instance.
Calling students on phone takes time and may feel invasive but I've personally seen improvements after a quick call to show you care.

All departments should be working as a whole, but in reality there are many of those negative folks around. I have worked with people like these and nothing was done to stop the negativity. Talking with others above me to try and resolve the problems did not stop the problem.

Thanks, Joyce.

The negative folks are truly a challenge, especially when those in authority chhose not to do anything to address the issue, or even worse, are the issue.

The more posive folks you can get together the better. The negative folks will feel uncomfortable in a positive environment.

I agree but first I have a conversation with my students to see how they feel about getting phone calls. I simply tell my students it is ok for them to text me the reason they can not show up. They know not to text me with anthing other than attendance issues so it works out for us. If I do not know where a student is or the reason for their absence I will then call. If they have an issue with me calling then they should have contacted me prior.

I agree but first I have a conversation with my students to see how they feel about getting phone calls. I simply tell my students it is ok for them to text me the reason they can not show up. They know not to text me with anthing other than attendance issues so it works out for us. If I do not know where a student is or the reason for their absence I will then call. If they have an issue with me calling then they should have contacted me prior.

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