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During orientation, having the students introducing themselves to each other is a great idea. Also have the first instructor the students are going to meet attend the orientation so the students will be familiar with him/her on the first day of school.
On the first day, give the students a scavenger hunt list and have them go to some of the facultyand staff for signature. This will help them to familiarize themselves with the staff instead of being afraid or intimidated by them.

Introducing faculty and administration alike is essential in making new students feel comfortable knowing they can reach out to professionals in their field.

I agree, at times athere are situations when a student may feel as if they can't communicate with one team member of the falculty, but they can another. Communication is the key to our business, and their success.

I have found in the past introducing the new students to their course instructor helps a lot and makes it less uncomfortable on the first day of class.

I find that opening up to your students to be the best they can be, and them knowing that you are going to be there at every turn is a major motivation for success.

I try to attend the orientation so they know who I am before their first class. It seems to help them with first day anxiety when they walk in and see a familiar face.

First person new students meet on the day of orientation is their instructor but having the students introducing themselves to each other is a great idea.

I think having some open time, complete with food & drink, so the students can mingle amongst themselves as a break from the official orientation might be a good idea.

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