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Deciding to return to school

Many of our students are career changers so the decision to return to school is a tough one. Many students have regular work schedules and families and all of these factors have to be taken into consideration when deciding to enroll. The state of the economy is another factor to consider, and some feel there may be no where else to turn than to another career.

I agree with Mr. Knight's statement and would like to add that the most important thing the student needs to have when returning to school is the right attitude. Are they serious about their education? I want to see my students enjoy success but sometimes I believe that I have higher expectations for them then they do for themselves. I share that thought with my students in the hope that they will raise their own expectations and strive to get the most out of school and their educational experience.


Adults in today's economy are feeling lots of 'pinches'...and we are indeed in a 'new reality' regarding employment. Sensitivity to all they are going through emotionally and in their personal life will help them stay the course.


I agree with Chef Deihls responses. The student needs to have their personal life in order before returning to school in order to be successful.

i might disagree here: I think that for many of my institutions students the decision to enroll is simple. The nature of the economy currently only proves this decision a sound one.

I agree with Sean Glenn. Some people finally have the time to actually do what they want to do because of their current work situation. Some prospective students are farced to attend school by cultural/social pressures as well.


I agree. The economy is providing opportunity for many people.


I agree with you, the older students enroll because of the economy, many jobs they knew all their life have been sent over seas, now they are in need of some new skills to compete in the job market today.

Myself, being an older instructor, find it amazing and a great experience to see older students learning new skills and being successful.

It is great to see the competition between the younger students and the older ones.
The old guys teach the youngsters self discipline
and the youngsters teach the old guys how to use electronic test equipment.


Right you are! We all can learn from each other and this is a great 'real life' work scenario.


I think you are right. It's a tough choice. A lot of people are frustrated with the current economy and deciding to borrow money to go back to school is difficult.


You bring up a very good point here. People are especially 'skiddish' about borrowing when their employment situation is less than ideal. They realize it is an investment, but this significantly increase their feeling of risk.


Reinforcing the connections between subject matter and the workplace has NEVER been more important....

That is one thing I remind them of on the first day of my class. They are the ones spending money to be in class. Make the most of it everyday.

The economy is a very big factor in the consideration for going back to school. When jobs go away people need to make a life changing decision; pepole just need to realize how important it is to follow through if they choose to go back to school.


You are absolutely correct on both counts. The economy tends to drive people back to school for career changes. But students often don't think about the commitment of time and effort it is going to take to succeed.


I agree that reinforcing the connections between subject matter and the workplace has NEVER been more important. For years I taught math in High School, I would be constantly asked when they would use these skills in their future careers. Sometimes I was a bit stumped myself to make a valid connection, at that point I would remind the students that one day their kids would come home and ask they for help with their homework, and I provided them with the skills to help their kids out in the future. One of the most important jobs he may hold is being a parent, making those connections helping out with homework is invaluable.


That is so true! And it is amazing, as I was also one of those students who wondered when I would ever use the math I was learning, that you really do use it daily if you are aware.

Susan Backofen

My experience is that the economic situation has been complicated for enrollments, not necessarily good or bad. The 'opportunity' to go to school may be presented to them (expectedly, or unexpectedly) due to unemployment. However, the reality of living on a small fixed income is often stressful for students in a variety of ways(time, finances, social support). And taking out (additional) debt can sway people from enrolling, or continuing their enrollment.

Megan ,

That is true...and keeping them focused on their end 'goal' is important. Education is an investment in themselves.

Susan Backofen

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