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When building an orientation are there any musts that need to come into play?

Elizabeth..great question. I'm sure everyone would have a slight variation on their 'must' list.

My 2 cents is that the 'musts' would include what students really need to know to get acclimated. This should be a time for them to become familar and comfortable with the institution. We so often try to tell them all the 'rules' and procedures--but they don't retain too much of this. The primary thing is for them to know how to find them. If that is in a handbook or online or a particular office, etc. Just keep it informative and build relationships.


In our orientation we definitely spend some time familiarizing first time online learners not only with our format but with online learning in general. I think it helps alleviate fears before they jump into an online class with a bunch of other students. We even have an interactive learning exercise to help identify their learning "profile" and to let them see various learning profile types. It seems to work well. :)


Do you utilize a 'profiling' tool that you developed or a market version? Some of these are extremely good in identifying areas where online students may struggle and set-up and opportunity for faculty/advisors to have great discussions.


Our orientation is set up by our Director of Education and Instructional Developer. We try to identify any areas of struggle in either online or other personal issues during the admissions process.

I think we must talk about policies during this time, also we need to take these students under our wings so they will feel right at home!

Introductions to everyone in FA, admissions, retention, registrar, and directors are a must so they can see who to go to with what issues and such!
Kevin A


Absolutely! Policies must be addressed. We need to recognize they will need to be reinforced later as well...too much of a good thing, you know :) The mind can only remember what the 'seat' can endure, which is why I suggest breaking up the talking with some activities.


Orientation at our School is the "buffer" between admissions and the rest of the school. Orientation allows for a transition between new students and well orientated students. We introduce all faculty and direct staff that will help them become future Graduates. Orientation is that bridge to get from point A to point B.


Hand out information helpful for the student and parents, tour the campus.

I believe that the student should do a course online by watching a video of the rules and regulations at home prior to starting class. By doing it this way they will feel comfortable and not scared, allowing them to retain it more. When they complete the course they should get rewarded with something prior to starting the class.


Excellent idea. Some institutions have implemented a 'virtual' orientation of sorts, but I haven't seen too many of them include video which is an excellent idea.


Policies and procedures are necessary as well as tour of facilities even if the student has already done so. We have them go in to the learning resource center and access their portal as well.

Our academic team put together a video presentation to music of students and staff enjoying themselves at our campus. This plays just prior to getting orientation started.


The the video idea!


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