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time frame issue

An issue that I have as an instructor is the time frame I have with the student. I have 3 weeks at a time and that is not always sufficeint time to understand a student. I try to connect with them the best i can. I have found in the past that a student's friend or roomate is a good way to get into the students idea of thinking, which helps me to keep the interest of the student with retention problems.

Those are very good ideas Matthew, I also try to spend a little time with each student before class in the hall. I will ask them "how was your weekend?" or "after thinking about the lab task overnight, do you understand now?"

Good point. Three weeks is hard to sometimes to understand where a students train of thought is comming from and I also have tried to talk to the students daily one on one.
By asking them questions about everyday things besides school shows them you are human and are concerned about them as a person.
You can sometimes also pick up little things about the student that you can use to help them.

I agree 100% although 3 weeks is a short time, we have to somehow put a plan together to figure out how to work with the student in that period. but, also let them know we are here for these students even after the 3 weeks. We just have to remember where our boundaries lie when it comes to students.

Three weeks is a short period of time for both the student and faculty. Students must feel that they are constantly starting a new relationship. Are there any faculty or staff assigned to stick with students as they move through the system that might give them a sense of consistency?

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