I am glad we have this measures such as FERPA in place for our students.
I just started taking the FERPA course, which has been very eye opening. It's been giving me a greater awareness of what FERPA entails, which is great since I work very closely with students and alumni.
How has this training helped you?
Ryan N. Parks
I am also grateful for the privacy policies we follow - we have a come a long way with ethical procedures in many areas and protecting student's rights feels good!
FERPA and other privaccy practices are needed to protect the student as well as the college or university.
I do feel better knowing what guidlines to use when dealing with a student and a well meaning family or program that the student is a part of. This information will help to manage those conversations better and with more confidence.
I agree. Being a clinician before a teacher I could always trust HIPPA and to find FERPA in place has been such a change from when I was a student. Definitely became aware of deliverying grades and assignment results in private.