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Transparency and Trust

How does transparency build trust among your institution, its students, prospective students and the community at large?

I THink is very important when the prospective students visit the university receive all the procedures, all the information about right to know because the student need to know that this institution is institution that he want to studies.

Transparency has an impact on all levels of our institution. Yes, being transparent helps benefit us in that helps us earn the trust of the students; thus elevating us in the eyes of the community. But it also helps our employees to trust us as well. When they observe that we will be forthright in all dealings with our customers, it helps give them the confidence that we will be forthright with them as well. This helps make for trusting relationships all the way around.

Transparency builds a community within the institution. If a prospective student or continuing student feels like they are part of the family or part of the whole, then they will continue to be successful in their program. This will continue beyond their completion of their program as well. Transparency within the institution is important as well. Your institution is like a ship, you need all hands on deck in order to have a ship run smoothly.


I really enjoyed your analogy of building a community. Communities are built on trust and transparency.

Cindy Bryant

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