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I enjoy the fact that we have Disclosures. It provides me with a clear and concise manner in which to deliver such information that is constantly being asked for.

As a new financial aid representative, classes such as this and others will help me to be compliant and remain compliant throguhout my career.


Thank you so much for your kind words regarding the course. If you had to pinpoint one specific topic you learned the most about what would it be?

Cindy Bryant

My best practice is: If I'm not sure about the rules, ask the HR or subject matter expert.

To keep yourself in compliance with all rules and reguations, you should first and foremost know and constantly review them for any changes.

Then you need to speak them. If you know all the rules and reguations but do not speak them you cannot be in compliance.

We make sure that we do not share information regarding students with people who do not have a need to know.

Staying compliant allows us the best opportunity for success by providing constancy in speaking withing and educating prospective students on what we offer and how they can make the right choice when choosing between schools and careers that may interest them.

When each department understands staying compliant we will be able to provide better service to our students and each other.

I will not make any statements about my school being the "best" or make comparisons with other competitors. Any statements I do make will be backed up with written information that is verifiable and accurate.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the forum. Maintaining compliance is much easier in the long run than having to fabricate and cover up indiscretions. Hiring the right people, such as yourself, who make the right choices is critical in creating a culture of compliance.

Cindy Bryant

The best ways I have found to stay in compliance regarding FERPA and a student's privacy has been to make sure I take the time to find out information BEFORE I call a student back. Just taking a second to familiarize myself with their information or account and identifying the most likely answers that I can or cannot provide is very helpful. Also making sure I balance my eagerness to help the student quickly with a tempered response that does not overpromise results or misrepresent is very important, especially in the area of Financial Aid.


Great may have heard; "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the details will make the situation go more smoothly.

Cindy Bryant

I think that training is the number 1 factor in creating a compliant culture. Employees should have a set training schedule, even monthly training to ensure that all rules and regulations are adhered too. Being out of compliance is such a liability for a campus it is imperative that everyone understands the policies.


Training is the number one way that institutions can ensure employees stay in compliance. Another solid practice is to continuously check employees knowledge through reviews, assessments, role playing, etc.

Cindy Bryant

Staying compliant is important for obvious reasons. However, it can be confusing at times, when wanting to give honest feedback to a student and/or talk about exciting news. It is always best to be safe than sorry. Some best practices are routine training to ensure employees are staying up-to-date and reminded. Ensure that education is given as soon as the employee is hired and confirming a clear understanding of all the regulations when communicating them to staff.

Sarah ,

You're right - training is at the core! And clear communication. Unfortunately, it only takes one individual to say or do the wrong thing when interacting with a student, even if it is a well-intended action or an inadvertent one, to misrepresent.

Jay Hollowell

Simply put, educate, refresh and reinforce. The rules and regulations need to be on ingrained into daily operations and become second nature.


Ahh, well put, when compliance is second nature, it's likely that a culture of compliance exists!

Jay Hollowell

A complaint serves both the student and staff as to keeping the staff compliant and giving a voice to the student. I believe it can set a student at ease to know that the school is of a professional nature.

There are so many rules and regulations that it would be easy for someone to forget protocol or just not know what is reuqired, so consistent and frequent training and re-training is imperative in order to ensure compliance.

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