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Catalog Information

Every Friday, the admissions team reviews a page of the catalog in the morning meeting. Program specifics and admissions/accreditation information is reviewed regularly.

I am impressed that your team has continuous focus on compliance. As you know catalog information is subject to change and reviewing the catalog is a great tool.

On a daily basis I speak with students and reference the course catalog for course descriptions as well as the various types of classes that compose the curriculum. The students respond positively to seeing the courses, the respective credit hour assigned per course as well as every single class that is required to earn the degree.


Reviewing the catalog can hep students keep their goals in sight. Something as simple as marking through completed courses is encouraging.

Cindy Bryant, Facilitator

I go over a lot of different topics within the catalog during an admissions appointment. Mostly, the program, classes, course descriptions, tuitions, and credit hours are what get covered the most.

Programs and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

Policies and Procedures (Attendance policies, etc.)

I use the catalog daily as well to discuss the courses and curriculum. When students know what they have to complete it really helps them to see that attaining their degree is possible.

I reference program curriculum most frequently in the school catalog. It really does help to provide a visual for the student when discussing program details, and viewing each course within the program allows good dialogue.

When I speak with students, I make sure to address items within the catalog, such as the coursework and expecations of the program. Also the catalog is an excellent reference for both myself and the student when handling student questions. Finally, any student we enroll is given a digital copy of the catalog before enrollment that they can always refer to throughout the duration of their courses.

Which topics from your school catalog do you most frequently reference in your daily job and why?

Policies and procedures. We find that our students need reinforcement.

By far the most frequent is explaining what a possible class may involve. Students see the name of a course and are either excited or scared to death. Most of the time you have to go through the catalog for clarification of the course.


It is very common for titles to be intimidating. It takes some time to explain the course objectives and calm their fears. Thank you for reminding everyone how frightening the experience CAN BE for students.

Cindy Bryant

We seem to frequently reference the programs and courses, length, credit hours, etc. This seems to be the most common thing prospective students ask about. Our admissions team is great about asking me to clarify anything they may find challenging to explain to a prospective student.


Even though students are given the details regarding their program of choice they seem to need to be reminded on a regular basis. As A Corporate Director of Education you are a great resource for admissions on product knowledge.

Cindy Bryant

Policies and procedures with admissions, faculty and directors.


The catalog is an excellent source of information. I would encourage all employees to refer to it for all relating questions.

Cindy Bryant

I refer to the course description most frequently to make sure I'm giving accurate information when asked about our courses.


Referring to your catalog course descriptions is a great practice. Many times people feel uninformed about the academics offered on their campus when the catalog offers enough detail to help you understand the basics in every area of your school.

Cindy Bryant

Program Description, Cost, schedules, seem to be most freq. however I do come across questions on things like campus security when talking with younger prospects and their parents

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