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What ethics are being broken? If a admissions representative is interviewing a candidate and the person has a visible handicap for being slow at communicating. However, the candidate passes the entrance exam. The registration fee is not paid because the candidate lives in a assisted living center with no job. The DOA allows the student to attend class and the first night the student is in a altercation with another student and harassment charges are filed against this candidate with a handicap. What could have admission done to prevent this?

Absolutley nothing. An altercation cannot be determined by a disability. Handicap by the way is not a term that is used any more. It is physicall challenged. I have had students that have perfect grades, perfect attendance do some pretty wierd things. We must be watchful and with security in mind, no matter what.

I believe in the example provided there is nothing you could have done different. But if the same scenario played out but instead of an altercation it was the “physical challenge” not allowing the student to fulfill a class requirement, then lines have been crossed.

I guess my first question is, why a registration fee was not charged? Was that special treatment due to the handicap? Once I get past that and get to the actual altercation with another student, nothing could have been done to avoid this altercation. Altercations happen regardless of whether there is a handicap or not. However, if the student never paid a registration fee due to special treatment because of the handicap then the situation could have been avoided completely. NO registration fee - no entry.

By the way this scenario is written I would say that there really is nothing that admissions could have done to prevent this. If the altercation happened it was due to poor decision making on the students involved part and should not fall back on the admissions rep. For this could happen any day with any student or group of students.

Nothing, as long as proper steps were taken to keep management abreast of situation.

The only thing I would say that the addmisions rep. could have done is made sure the instructor had knowlede of the students hadicap and take some extra precautions to make sure he/she could avoid an altercation with know "trouble" students.

Unfortunately these "ethical" situations exist. I believe more facts would need to be unveiled regarding what specific ethicial lines were crossed. If the new student had personal ties to the Admissions Rep, yes further investigation would need to be made. However, if this scenario is as clean, cut, and simple as stated, no fingers should be pointed at the AR.

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