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Stengthening positive word of mouth

Our strongest advertising is positive word of mouth. We've tried to ensure that we keep this as active as possible. One way is to post examples of students work on our school's web site so that they will be able to benefit from showing it to other people (friends, family, possible employers) and we also know that this gets more people to discover our school and also see what our graduates are capable of producing. It's pretty much a win/win situation.

Hi Einar
Positive word of mouth says a lot. It says that you are focusing on creating a positive student experience. So it's a win win situation all around. It also says that you don't have to spend a lot of money on marketing. However, there are costs to great word of mouth. It's in training your faculty and staff to be responsive to students and to focus on student success.
Best wishes

We have found word of mouth to be a very good source of new student starts along with testimonials on our web site from former and current students. We are planning to add short video clips of students who are working in their fields of study as additional testimonials.

Another great idea, Christine. Can you imagine filling classrooms mostly by word of mouth. Many schools are successful doing this. Their students are happy. Employers are happy. And the school has many ways to bring in students' family and friends.
Best wishes

I agree- The value of word-of-mouth is invaluable. It proves you have done a great job with the student and are worthy to stay in business for several years to come. You never want to be held at the financial mercy of advertising platforms.

Hi Rob
Ideally every student has a positive experience and is so excited about school s/he talks about it all the time. Great word of mouth. There are ways to encourage students to talk with friends and family and suggest they invite them to school functions to learn about your school. Some schools depend mostly on referral for enrollments. Best wishes, Susan

It's a great idea to give students a vested interest in sharing positive information about your school with other potential students.

Although we do not really have any "student work" to display on our website, we frequently use students as models on the cover of our brochure of offerings, sometimes including their complimentary quotes about our school.

Of course, such students are eager to share their "15 minutes of fame" with all their friends!

HI Galen
Really great point - let students and grads share their "15 minutes of fame" at every opportunity. They can talk with prospective students and provide testimonials about their experience at the school. Let them brag on your website, blogs, and all other internet opportunities. Another idea is to have them text message prospective studdents. They'll need some training. But benefit from your happy students' need to share their satisfaction with your entire community.
Best wishes

We like to post positive feedback from students on our bulletin boards. They seem to find it quite interesting, and often inquire about different classes after reading some of the posted comments.

Great points, Reinaldo. It's important to keep up with the technology that people, and particularly young people, are using. That means bulletin boards, blogs, text messaging, YouTube and more. It's really all different versions of testimonials, isn't it? Prospective customers or students want to hear from people who have used the product or gone to the school. It becomes very reliable and believable information to a prospect. Best wishes, Susan

Hi Einar,

Glad to hear that the student work on your website is proving to be beneficial. We will be launching a similar project very shortly and are very excited. Our biggest source of leads is from word-of-mouth via our students and alumni. It really is a great and inexpensive way to market the program. However it is true that it does cost money internally to create the positive experience that we give to the student. However way you look at it, a good image does cost money however a positive experience is priceless.

Best of luck!


All great points. We believe that word of mouth addresses lots of challenges. One is it can be the major source of qualified students with fairly low cost. Word of mouth does take a staff that provides an outstanding educational experience. It's all about developing and sustaining relationships. Relationships yield other relationships. A secret great networkers have known for ages. And you are right about alumni. Can you imagine staying in touch with a student in perpetuity! You'll have a loyal grad who can do so much for your school - like send more students and tell you who the hiring decision makers are at their places of work as a start. Thanks, Susan

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