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Body Language - From Military Stand Point of View

One thing that I kept thinking of as I went through this module was that most schools have a good amount of military members who attend, and in the military or at least in one branch that I can speak on behalf of we/they were taught to not use any body language in conversation, which was taught when going through boot camp, and enforced through out their military careers.

With that being said would you think that it could also be a good idea to keep in mind the background of students. In this case military members in specific?

Thank you so much for bringing this conversation to the forum. Communication is a complex formula and body language is only one part of that formula. The trick is knowing how to synthesize the various elements of communication to be able to connect with your student. Having valuable information such as military experience can help you translate the body language of your student. What has your communication experience been like with students with a military background?

I can definitely relate to this. Being prior military myself that was something that I had to learn to do was not talk with body language, and for me that was quite a daunting task. When I was sent to recruit for the military I had to pretty much throw out of the window my military baring so that I was more personable and the people I was recruiting were able to feel comfortable around me.

I know that was a big question/ concern when I went on interviews; are you able to adapt back to civilian life?

With all that being said we/they have to adjust to their surroundings.

It is true that everyone must adapt to their surroundings. Do you find yourself adapting when speaking with those from the military, and those not?
Dr. Jean Norris

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