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How can you grab one's attention while trying to draw them into what yoiu're sayng if they were never interested from the get go?

Interesting question, Sarah. It can be difficult to draw a person into a conversation if there doesn't seem to be a mutual interest in the topic. I guess I might suggest working to uncover a topic that you and the other individual are both interested in and see where the conversation might go from there? What are some of the things that you've tried in the past that you've found helpful in this situation?

Shannon Gormley

"Peeling the onion". I listen carefully to the answers I am given and try to draw a conversation from there. Most of the time it works. I have found the stronger my rapport there is a stronger chance of uncovering the person's real interest/passion.

Deborah, that's a great point. When you branch off the conversation and ask further questions, you will gain further insight on how to help the student.

Dr. Jean Norris

Hello Shannon,

I like that suggestion. Would it be better to maybe be honest and ask whether the potential student has a particular interest in the topic he or she does not seem to be interested interested in? Rather than just change the topic, it would seem more sincere and open.

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